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Onceler woke up.

Pitter patter, pitter patter.

The sound of rain. A rare occurrence nowadays, of course he didn't know that. He didn't know anything besides his own name.

Now soaking, Onceler hastily got up, cracking his back, and grinding his teeth. He strolled in the rain farther out to the desert. After walking for only 5 minutes, the rain suddenly stopped, and the heat was crawling in and up his spine making his head significantly warmer. He didn't know where he came from, but he could tell he wasn't used to this weather.

An hour passed, and Onceler was now tired. After taking just a few more steps, he passed out behind a rock and next to a few dry brambles. Closing his eyes, the bright desert faded to pitch black. Whatever would happen to him in this state, he had no control over. He was at the will of the heavens and earth around him. Helpless, he slept waiting for a knight in leather armor to save him.

This seemed like the end, but really, it was just the beginning.

(A/N i don't write a lot and this is obviously not meant to be taken too seriously. i hope you end up enjoying this shitshow that im creating, and have a great timezone.)

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