Jin looked at the tiny boy cuddling into his chest and smiled. He instantly turned to grab his phone and texted Namjoon a good morning with a photo of him and the kid.
He got in immediate reply and it was of Soyeon halfway off the bed. Jin laughed but quickly covered his mouth to not wake up his kid.
Don't make me laugh asshole, Yeonjun is sleeping on my chest and I can't wake him up.Joonie:
I'm sorry buttface, I was laughing so hard when I work up, she was cuddle all the way up my ass at night so imagine my surprise when I saw her halfway off the bedJinnie:
When are you coming home then?Joonie:
When she wakes up and have lunch cause this bitch sleeps so lateJinnie:
Okay text me when you do and don't call her a bitch you bitchJin puts his phone back down and moves a little to get out of Yeonjuns grasp which was actually a lot harder to get out of then Namjoons grip but once he was out making him fall off the bed Jin laughed again and crawled to the bathroom where he slowly got up to check his stitches. Then he took a quick shower after he grabbed some clothes.
Yeonjun was passed out still so Jin ran to grab some work and his computer to then run back and sat at his desk. Yeonjun was a heavy sleeper so Jin started his work with no problems like he normally would do until he felt his arm being lifted and then a heavy 10-year-old got onto his lap and hid his face in his shoulder.
"When is Joonie coming home?" He heard.
"Around lunchtime, so what do you want to do? Go to the pool maybe?"
"That sounds fun," Yeonjun mumbles closing his eyes again.
"Okay I'm just going to finish this and after we eat we can go." I said using my left hand to rub his back and my right to type out an email to S. Coups and the rest of Taehyungs team.
Yeonjun slowly was falling asleep again and Jin was so happy cause he was writing some bad shit and Namjoon would fuck him up if Yeonjun started repeating some of these words.
"OKAY POOL TIME!" Jin screamed when his one hour timer went off. Yeonjun immediately jumped into the pool since they have been laying out in the sun since after breakfast.
Jin chuckled and dove into the water and when he came up for air Jin was splashed with water with a loud giggle following. He then wiped his face and did the same back to the child with much more force as he treads the 7 foot water.
"I FOLD!" Yeonjun swims away to the shallow end and then starts swimming around. Jin rolls his eyes and does laps around the pool for a bit but then he saw his kid in front of him. "Let's play again." Jin heard and who could say no to his cute little face so Jin was the villain of the shark creatures from down under and Yeonjun was a Prince from Atlantis and Jin took his sister.
The two softly fought, Jin totally allowing Yeonjun to win but there were times where the elder would pull the kids foot back for fun.
Namjoon soon came later in the day and watched from the doorway as the two most important people in his life played around. His first intent was to join immediately so he has his bathing suit on, however, the sight of just watching them was slightly better.
Jin had no idea but Yeonjun saw and jumped on the elder's shoulders to turn his head. Jin smiles widely and waved at his fiancé before leaning back. Yeonjun screamed loudly as he hits the water.

Sugary Venom // NamJin
Fanfiction"I suggest you watch who you talk to in here." "No, I suggest you watch who you talk to in here. You're a little cute but I will do what I need to do to ensure my family's safety and if that means killing you all then so be it." ~•~•~ 2 mafias. One...