Dreaming Of Real Heartfelt Words In A Tangible Fantasy Part 2

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Duan Yu saw Xu Zhu's rushing force is strangely quick, no matter what he can't catch him, he shouted: "I will support you!" he turn around, he use his back as support, at the same time he executed his [Graceful Steps upon the Waves] and ran swiftly, in an instant he felt the pressure on his back is like a mountain, it press onto him and he can barely breathe, but with every step he take the pressure on his back will lessen by a bit, he sprinted over 30 steps with a single breath, Xu Zhu slide off his back lightly.

The two of them fell down from several hundred zhang high, by sheer luck Murong Fu shifted the force, Mulberry Soil Elder bounce off the force, lastly Duan Yu carried them on his back and sprinted, after 3 turn of event, unexpectedly they didn't sustain any injury. Xu Zhu straighten his body and said: "Buddha is merciful! Many thanks to everyone for assisting!" he is not aware that Mulberry Soil Elder was trampled to death by him, if not the guilt would overwhelm him. Suddenly he heard a shout, it transmit from the mountainside. After Child Elder's leg was severed, although she bleed excessively but she did not lose consciousness, she said in alarm: "That **** is chasing down. Leave quickly, leave quickly!" When Xu Zhu thought about Li QiuShui's vicious and merciless method he cannot help but shiver, he carried Child Elder and rush into the forest.


Li QiuShui rush down quickly from the mountainside, although her footstep is fast and nimble but ultimately it can't be compared with Xu Zhu who plunge straight down the mountain, in reality their distance is far apart but Xu Zhu is scared, he don't dare to linger any longer. He rush out a few li, Child Elder said: "Put me down, tear some cloth to bind my leg wound to avoid leaving behind bloodstains and let the **** track us. Hit my 'HuanTiao' and 'QiMen' acupoints to staunch the bleeding." Xu Zhu said: "Yes!" he followed her instructions, he also listen attentively for Li QiuShui's movement. Child Elder retrieved a yellow pill from her bosom and ate it, she said: "This **** has deep enmity with me, she will never let me go. I still need 79 days to fully restore my divine martial arts, at that time i don't need to fear that **** anymore. But where to hide during these 79 days?"

Xu Zhu wrinkled his brows and thought: "Its difficult to hide for half a day, how to hide for 79 days?" Child Elder mumbled to herself: "If we hide in your Shaolin Temple, its an excellent location...." Xu Zhu had a huge fright, he is trembling from head to toe. Child Elder said furiously: "Damn monk, what are you scared of? Shaolin Temple is so far from here, how can we go there?" She incline her head and said: "If we travel west for several hundred li it would be Western Xia. That **** has deep relationship with Western Xia, if she pass down her orders the experts from Western Xia First-Class Hall will all come to search for us, then its difficult to escape her evil clutches. Little monk, in your opinion where should we hide?" Xu Zhu said: "We should hide in deep mountains, fields and caves, hide for 79 days, i think your martial sister will not be able to find us." Child Elder said: "How you know? If that **** can't find us, she will definitely return to Western Xia and gather a huge group of dogs, these several hundred hunting dogs have extremely keen nose, no matter where we hide these animals will definitely find us." Xu Zhu said: "Then we have to run South-east, move far far away from Western Xia."

Child Elder gave a sigh, she said: "That **** have many spies under her, naturally she already deployed her men at the south-east routes." She muttered to herself for a long time, suddenly she clap her hands and said: "I got it, little monk, you solved Wu YaZi's 'Zhen Long' chess formation, what is the first move?" Xu Zhu is extremely worried about the current critical situation, unexpectedly she still have to mood to discuss about chess formation, he said: "Junior monk close my eyes and made a random move, i killed myself, i let my opponent kill a huge group of chess-piece."

Child Elder said happily: "Correct, for the past 10 years, there are countless people who are 100 times more wise and talented than you, none of them can solve this 'Zhen Long' chess formation, because no one is willing to bring about their own destruction. Wonderful, wonderful! Little monk, carry me and jump up the tree, quickly travel west." Xu Zhu said: "Where we going?" Child Elder said: "To a place no one would ever expect us to go, although its dangerous but we will find a way out of the danger, we have to take this risk."

Xu Zhu look at her broken leg, he sigh and pondered: "You can't walk, even if i am not willing to take the risk its no use." He saw her injury is serious, he no longer care about the rule that forbids direct contact between men and women, he carried her on his back and jump up the treetop, he followed the directions pointed out by Child Elder and ran west swiftly.

He ran over 10 li, suddenly he heard a gentle and coy voice from far: "Little monk, have you fallen to your death? Elder sister, where are you? Little sister really miss you bitterly, quickly come out!" Xu Zhu's legs turn soft when he heard Li QiuShui's voice, he nearly fell off the treetop.

Child Elder scold him: "Useless little monk, what are you scared of? Her voice is getting further and further, isn't she travelling east?"

Sure enough the voice is gradually getting further and further, Xu Zhu is very impress with Child Elder's wisdom, he said: "She...how come she knows that we didn't die after falling down from several hundred zhang high?" Child Elder said: "Obviously someone talk too much and leak it out." She pondered for a long time and said: "Granny never left Misty Peak for over 10 years, i didn't expect martial studies to make such rapid progress. That young gentleman who neutralize our falling force, his technique in borrowing and redirecting force, pushing aside a thousand catty with four liang, it really reach the state of perfection. Who is the other young gentleman? How come he knows our Carefree Sect's [Graceful Steps upon the Waves]?" she mumbled to herself, she is not really asking Xu Zhu. Xu Zhu is afraid that Li QiuShui will catch up with them, he gathered his energy and ran swiftly, he didn't hear what Child Elder said.

When they reach level ground, he choose to travel on minor road, they rest the night in a dense jungle, the next morning they travel again, Child Elder still directed him westward. Xu Zhu said: "Senior, you say westward is Western Xia, i think we can't travel west anymore." Child Elder sneered: "Why can't we travel west?" Xu Zhu said: "If we pass the borders of Western Xia, wouldn't it be walking right into a trap?" Child Elder said: "The land you are stepping on right now, its already the territory of Western Xia!"

Xu Zhu had a huge shock, he shouted: "What? This is Western Xia? But you said....you said your martial sister has enormous power in Western Xia?" Child Elder laugh and said: "Yes! That **** can go on a rampage in Western Xia, she can demand and do whatever she wants, but we go against expectation and break into an important place, she will never imagine it till the day she dies. She look around everywhere, but she will never expect me to be resting peacefully in her nest and practicing my skills. Haha!" she is extremely proud of herself, she said: "Little monk, i copied your method, the most stupid and most illogical chess move, but in the end its really wonderful and useful."

Xu Zhu really admired her, he said: "Senior divine calculation, its indeed hard for people to fathom, but....but...." Child Elder said: "But what?" Xu Zhu said: "Within Li QiuShui's important place, there must be other capable people, if they discover our tracks......" Child Elder said: "Heng, if that place is uninhabited then how can it be considered dangerous? Going against all odds and difficulties, throwing yourself into danger, that is the proper conduct of a true hero." Xu Zhu pondered: "If its to save human or save the world, its worth it to throw myself into danger, but you and Li QiuShui are roughly the same, both of you are not really good people, why should i willingly risk this danger?"

Child Elder saw his hesitation, she already guess his thoughts, she said: "I ask you to brave danger, naturally i have good stuff to give you as thanks, i won't ask you to suffer for nothing. Right now i will teach you 3 palm style and 3 grappling style, when you combine these 6 style of martial arts it is known as [Plum Breaking Hands Of Heavenly Mountain]."

Xu Zhu said: "Senior your injuries have yet to heal, its inappropriate for you to exert yourself, you should rest more." Child Elder roll her eyes and said: "You resent my heretic martial arts, you disdain to learn it correct?" Xu Zhu said: "This...this...junior definitely don't have such intentions, please don't misunderstand." Child Elder said: "You are the legal successor of Carefree Sect, this [Plum Breaking Hands Of Heavenly Mountain] is precisely the high-level martial art of our sect, Wu YaZi ask you to go to WuLiang Mountain to find that **** Li QiuShui to teach you martial arts, heng, that **** is cold and indifferent, she might not be willing to impart to you, today i voluntarily choose to impart it to you, its your enormous fortune and fate, you get it without asking, how come you are not willing to learn?" Xu Zhu said: "Junior is from Shaolin, i really have no relations with Carefree Sect."

DEMI GODS AND SEMI DEVILS BOOK 4 OF 5 (SONG OF THE CAVE IMMORTAL) by Jin YongWhere stories live. Discover now