Strong Wind Throwing Piaomiao Peak Into Turmoil Part 3

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Murong Fu said: "There are so many experts here, there is no use for me......" he already thought of his speech, he wanted to decline and not get involve in this mess, but suddenly he had 2nd thoughts: "This Wu LaoDa said: 'We will never forget your great kindness and virtue', there are no lack of experts in 36 Caves and 72 Islands. In the future i need to carry out a major plan, i worry about the lack of people, if i help them out today then when the time comes i can invite them to help me as well. There are several hundred experts here, its really an elite troop." As he thought of it, he immediately change his speech: "But there is a good saying, we should help one another along the way, this is my duty as a martial artist...."

When Wu LaoDa heard it his expression is happy, he said: "Yes, yes!"

Deng BaiChuan kept on shooting meaningful looks, he is hinting Murong Fu to quickly pull back, these people are not good people, its harmful to make friends with them. But Murong Fu just nod his head, indicating that he understood his intention, he continued: "I witness everyone's superior martial arts, all of you uphold justice and have a sense of loyalty, i really admire greatly, thus i wish to make friends with you all. Everyone is punishing an evil person, originally you don't need my help, but since we are friends, everyone should stick together through thick and thin, help each other out through trials and tribulations, Murong Fu is at your service."

The applause is like thunder, everyone cheered and clap. 'Gusu Murong' enjoys great reputation in the martial arts fraternity, just now everyone witness his skills and its indeed well-deserved, when Wu LaoDa ask him for help they did not expect him to agree at all, they expect him to swear an oath and not reveal the secret and that would be the end, they never expect him to agree immediately, moreover he is extremely courteous, saying things like 'stick together through thick and thin', 'help each other out through trials and tribulations', he is pledging his life to make friends with them, they cannot help but be pleasantly surprise.

Deng BaiChuan and the rest are equally shock. They have always obeyed Murong Fu's orders, even for Bao BuTong who likes to refute and debate he never say 'Not true, not true' to his young master, the four of them thought: "Young master promise to assist, obviously he has his own intentions, we merely don't understand it for the time being."


When Wang YuYan heard her cousin agreeing to assist the other party, the enemy turn into a friend, she said to Duan Yu: "Gentleman Duan, they are not fighting anymore, you can put me down!" Duan Yu was startled, he said: "Yes, yes, yes!" he bend his knees slightly and put her down. Wang YuYan cheek is slightly red, she said softly: "Many thanks!" Duan Yu sigh and said: "Sigh, eternity is exhausted, there will be continuous regret from now on." Wang YuYan said: "What are you talking about? Are you reciting poetry?"

Duan Yu was startled, he woke up from his fantasy, countless thoughts pass through him in an instant, after he put down Wang YuYan she would accompany Murong Fu and leave, they will be separated worlds apart and never see each other again, he will drift around the world, depress for 10 years and finally dying in regret and hate, thus he said 'eternity is exhausted, there will be continuous regret from now on'. When he heard Wang YuYan query, he quickly reply: "Its nothing...i...i....i let my imagination run wild." Wang YuYan immediately understood the meaning behind his poetry, she blush and thought of walking to Murong Fu right away, but her acupoint had yet to unseal, she can't move.

Taoist BuPing said: "Wu LaoDa, congratulations, congratulations, Gentleman Murong agreed to help, the problem is 90% solved, not to mention Murong Fu peerless divine skills, even his subordinate Gentleman Duan is also a top expert with abilities rarely seen in this world." He notice that Duan Yu expression was respectful when carrying Wang YuYan, thus he assume he has the same status as Deng BaiChuan and the rest of Murong Fu's subordinate.

Murong Fu quickly said: "This Brother Duan is a top expert from Dali's Duan family, i myself admire him greatly. Brother Duan, why don't you come over and meet these friends?"

Duan Yu is standing beside Wang YuYan, he peek at her, sniffing her sweet fragrance, although he don't dare to look straight at her, he is perfectly contented in looking at her jade white hands, he never hear Murong Fu calling him.

Murong Fu shouted again: "Brother Duan, why don't you come over and meet these friends?" He is determined to win over these brave heroes, thus he don't dare to be haughty towards Duan Yu. But Duan Yu is completely focus on Wang YuYan's hands, 10 fingertips, soft smooth and supple, how would he notice other people calling him?

Wang YuYan said: "Gentleman Duan, my cousin is calling you!" Duan Yu immediately heard her words, he quickly said: "Yes, yes! He call me for what?" Wang YuYan said: "Cousin is asking you to go over and meet some new friends." Duan Yu is unwilling to leave her side, he said: "Then are you going as well?" Wang YuYan was unsettled by his question, she said: "They want to meet you, not me." Duan Yu said: "If you are not going, then i am not going as well."

Although Taoist BuPing notice Duan Yu's exceptional footwork, he didn't regard him as some important figure, when he heard Duan Yu's reply he did not know it was due to infatuation, other than the lady he ignored everyone else in this world, he assume Duan Yu despise them and is unwilling to meet, he cannot help but feel resentful.

Wang YuYan notice everyone is looking at her and Duan Yu, she felt embarrass and fear that her cousin might misunderstand, she call out: "Cousin, someone sealed my acupoint, come over to support me."

However Murong Fu is unwilling to display his love relationship in front of everyone, he said: "Elder brother Deng, please tend to Miss Wang. Brother Duan, why don't you come over here?"

Wang YuYan said: "Gentleman Duan, my cousin is inviting you, please go over." Duan Yu heard her asking Murong Fu for support, obviously she regarded him as an outsider, in an instant his heart ached bitterly, he walk towards Murong in a daze.

Murong Fu said: "Brother Duan, i will introduce you to several experts, this is Taoist BuPing, this is Wu LaoDa."

Duan Yu said: "Yes! Yes!" but he thought: "I am standing beside her, why she never ask me to support her, instead she ask her cousin for support? Just now she wanted me to carry her but its due to the desperate situation, if her cousin can carry her then obviously she will choose her cousin, she will never allow me to touch her body." He said: "If she can lean on her cousin body, she will naturally burst with joy. Even for Deng BaiChuan, Bao BuTong, the subordinates of her cousin, she is much closer to them than to me. What about me? What about me? There is no relations between both of us, we are strangers who come together by chance, i am just some insignificant stranger, why would she care about me? She permit me to look at her a few times, but if she can sweep her eyes a few time at my lowly self then its considered my great fortune. She most probably still treat me as a gardener in her home, if i have any other wishful thoughts, i am afraid i will immediately exhaust my karmic reward....sigh, she will never want me to support her."

Taoist BuPing and Wu LaoDa look at Duan Yu lifeless expression, he is just staring at empty air and completely ignored Murong Fu's introduction, in addition his eyebrows wrinkled and he look worried, clearly he is unwilling to meet them. Taoist BuPing said: "Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you!" he stretch out his hand and grip Duan Yu's right hand. Wu LaoDa immediately understood Taoist BuPing's intentions, he flip his palm and hook Duan Yu's left hand. Wu LaoDa's martial art is overbearing, he openly display his hostility unlike Taoist BuPing, although both of them have the same intentions, they want to make Duan Yu suffer but they don't want to reveal any trace of it, they try to appear very friendly and warm-hearted.

DEMI GODS AND SEMI DEVILS BOOK 4 OF 5 (SONG OF THE CAVE IMMORTAL) by Jin YongWhere stories live. Discover now