Send My Love to Your New Lover

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Treat her better.

The elevator dinged, we were on the rooftop. As quickly as the doors opened, Mimzy climbed out without a sound, stepping to the edge of the roof and sitting down.

I accompanied her shortly after, resting beside her, observing the city lights below. The clock ticked by, we stayed soundless, wasn't even sure why she wanted to see me again.

"You remember when we were alive, we used to sneak to the top of the radio station and have picnics," she giggled softly to herself. I only nodded and resumed watching the demons of hell go about there day.

"Alastor," she shifted to me, "what happened to you?"

"What do you mean?" I apprehensively challenge. I always get like this whenever people bring up my former living; I can't help it.

"You loved your radio station, more than everyone around you. The only person you loved more was your mother, not even me. I understand you've never been the romantic type, but what you were doing was-

...You hurt a lot of people, me, your colleagues and friends, and your supporters."

She paused for a moment before taking a deep breath and continuing, "Look, I know that after your mother, bless her soul, passed away, you've been having a difficult time with compassion. It was your mother's dream for you to become a radio star. That's all you focused on, became a workaholic because of it. You and I both know she wouldn't want you to be like this; she would want you to be happy."

I recognized that she was valid; of course, she was.

"Find somebody, Al."

I whipped my head around to look at her, "What?"

"You heard me. I want you to find somebody to love, not me. Find somebody else, who will make you happy," Mimzy sighed.

All I could do was nod my head silently, as she got up to depart. She wondered to the elevator, and just before she got in, she paused to look back. "Please, Al, that's all I ask," with a smile and a wave, she stepped into the elevator.

I continued to sit on the edge long after she left. Contemplating her advice, she was correct. When has she been incorrect?

I heard the elevator doors open, ears jerking to the sound of strides against the pavement. There's only one member of the hotel who's walk is so absurdly powerful and obnoxious. Angel.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped at Angel, trying to seem as threatening as possible. It didn't work.

"Goddamn motherfucker, I came to check in on your ass, but I see you are a whiny bitch," he relaxed next to me. Angel wasn't brave. He was a circus.

Despite his stupidity, I didn't sense the urgency to lollipop his throat with my radio staff. It was strange. Out of all the patrons, he was the one to check in on me.

Not to mention, he was staying quiet. Charlie would be reciting her workbooks, Vagatha would be barking at me, Nifty would be fixing my hair into braids and chatting about her thoughts, Sir Pentious try to play tough, and Husker would be drunk off his ass and slurring his "so noble wisdom."

However, Angel just stayed calm; it was relaxing, soothing. I finally let out a sigh, "Thank you..."


"Thanks for checking in on me."

"Your welcome?"

"Don't sound so troubled," I grin to myself. I knew I was overstepping the boundaries I had set. However, if I wanted to take Mimzy's knowledge seriously, I would need to loosen up a bit.

I rose and began dusting myself off. I peered over at the spider demon, letting out a heavy sigh and reaching my hand down, "Come now, don't want to worry everyone do we."

Angel Dust glanced at me cautiously; I'm out of character right now, that's the point!

"Who are you, and the fuck did you do with the real Alastor," he chuckled.

I laughed, couldn't blame Angel for thinking this was sudden, "What I can't be nice to people?"

He still hasn't accepted my hand yet and was eyeing me down. If I were him, I would take this opportunity without question. It's not every day the grand and powerful Radio Demon offers his hand to someone.

I guess he must have read my mind because shortly after, he took my hand. I hoisted him up and immediately let go. Don't want him to get too comfortable or get a wicked idea.

The trip down was silent. However, Mimzy's words still flooded my consciousness. I couldn't help but realize just how much I had lost control of my life. I thought it was all under control, but it's far from it.

I kept glimpsing at Angel, as a thought clouded my mind. I promptly waved it off, though. That would be ludicrous. Absolutely absurd. 

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