Letter 🦋 K.TH

16 1 1

Taehyung x Reader

" To the love of my life,

Y/N -ah, it's been 7 years since I fell in love with you. It's been 3 years since we have been married. Throughout this course of 7 years I have seen you have various boyfriends, seen you ignore me,a lot of things that left me with heart ache.

3 and a half years back when my mother came up with the news of us being tied down together through arrange marriage I was on cloud nine. The grin on my face was so huge I couldn't see properly. I understood how jimin feels haha. But it faded away when I saw you frowning, a frown that made me realise you didn't want this marriage. But we couldn't really help keeping in mind how that was your mother's last wish.

I still didn't lose my faith and confidence in our marriage, in our love. I tried making you breakfast, tried taking you out on dates, shopping sprees, trips. Everything I could do to make you happy, to make you like me back at least. But you always ran away. Ran away from smiling when near me, from this marriage, anything that's involved me.

My * I love you's* couldn't get a verbal response, it was just secret eye rolls. My hugs got a nudge to my abdomen, pushing me away every time.

I still tried waiting for you every day for the past 7 years. But soon enough I realised that this marriage didn't exist to you, *our* love never involved you. My happiness started vanishing so did my will to live. The antidepressants stopped working after a while and my love for you couldn't keep me going anymore.

I am sorry you had to suffer because of me. I am sorry for everything I might have put you through. I am sorry we couldn't make it work.

Taehyung "

And just like that he was gone.

Leaving you with the guilt of not showing your emotions, the guilt of staying tight lipped even when you wanted to hug him back, smile back at him, love him the way he did.

It would be a lie if you said you never felt anything in the course of three years. He was something every girl dreams of having . His infectious boxy smile was enough to light up the whole world, enough to make anyone happy.

But you deserved this. You weren't there to comfort him when he was there at your mother's funeral, when you lost your job, so many times that you couldn't count on your fingers.

You deserved the guilt you were feeling . You deserved the tears that were streaming down your cheeks. You deserved the pain for making him suffer even after he tried expressing the hurt he felt, for making him feel worthless and you deserved to feel helpless for ignoring him even when you saw his antidepressants in the bathroom cabinet but didn't do anything.

You deserved every bit of it.



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Not ✨ e d i t e d ✨

I would be lying if I say I didn't cry while writing this. This just randomly popped up when I was having trouble sleeping

A short one, sorry ♡

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