My Shining Star (Leon X Reader)

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I sat at my desk, absent-mindedly tapping my pencil on my desk as I stared at the chalkboard in front of us. I was completely lost in what we were doing and didn't understand any of it. Someone nudged me in the side and I shot up, looking at who did it.
"You were zoning out again, I brought you back to reality." Leon chuckled, looking me in the eyes. I sighed, shrinking back into my chair and stuck my tongue out at him.
"You scared me." I grumbled, looking ahead of us again at the board.
"In my defense I'm trying to get you better grades so you better stop complaining. Lost?" He asked, knowing the answer already.
"Yeah... can I have some help please?" I asked with a sigh and he rolled his eyes, moving closer.
"What're you stuck on?" He smiled, looking at my paper.
"All of it, what are we even trying to figure out?" I asked, confused. I saw a bunch of numbers on the board and they looked important.
"Um... I can't remember the name but I can show you h-" He was interrupted by the announcement speaker turning on and our principal started a speech.
"Could Leon Kuwata please report to the office to sign out? Thankyou." Our principal asked and the speaker shut off once again.
"Oh shit! Forgot about today! Sorry (Y/N), I'll show you when I get back." Leon apologised, jumping up from his seat.
"W-where are y-you going?" Toko stuttered, only just being heard by everyone.
"Gotta baseball game! Wish me luck everyone, see you when I get back sweet cheeks!" He smiled, kissing me on the cheek before bolting out of the classroom. I touched my cheek, not believing what just happened. Mr. Monokuma shot out of the room after hearing the announcement to get a TV so we could all watch the game live, making us all laugh. Once we knew he was a safe distance away the whole class burst into conversation.

Hina and Sayaka walked over, giggling. I smiled at them as they took the few free seats in front of me, smiling back.
"Did that just happen or am I dreaming?" I asked, smiling like an idiot.
"Are you referring to Leon kissing you or the teacher making a run for it?" Sayaka asked and I rolled my eyes.
"Leon. Why would I care about the teacher running for it?" I asked and both girls shrugged.
"He called you sweet cheeks as well! That was so cute!" Hina exclaimed and I squealed, nodding.
"God I love him... Should I- Should I ask him out when he gets back?" I asked them both and they looked at each other, practically screaming.
"Yes!" They shouted and everyone went quiet, looking over at us.
"They're lunatics, ignore them!" I laughed, making the other two laugh.
"Hey (Y/N)!" Junko shouted from across the class and I nodded, listening. "What's going on between you and baseball boy?" She asked and I shrugged.
"Um... we aren't dating if that's what you mean. I think he was just joking." I giggled nervously and the rest of the girls came over, joining us.

"You're kidding, right? One of the hottest guys in class kissed you and you're gonna say he was joking? How many boyfriends have you had?" She asked and I grew nervous, not wanting to tell. It was pretty embarrassing to be in high school and not ever had a boyfriend at all.
"Why would that matter?" I asked and Toko sighed.
"Even I-I know why i-it would matter." She told me and I looked at her in utter confusion.
"She's oblivious to when someone's flirting with her..." Sayaka sighed, talking to the others.
"I'm not good with guys, that's all." I protested, waving my hands about.
"We need to change that." Kyoko smiled and it scared me. She rarely ever smiled and when she did it meant one of two things. She'd either have figured something out that the rest of us are too dumb to see or she's had an amazing idea. It was most likely the latter.
"No we don't, I'll just be awkward for the rest of my life. It's fine!" I smiled, trying to get out of this.
"You aren't getting away now, don't worry. We've got your back!" Junko smiled, looking at Mukuro.
"Which am I getting?" She asked, a dull tone in her voice.
"Togami, he's probably the most difficult to talk to." Junko told her and she nodded, walking away.

Seconds later she returned with the blonde himself, making ne more nervous then before.
"Why him?" I whispered to Kyoko, who was sat right next to me.
"Because if you can talk to him you can talk to Leon without many problems." She whispered back, a small smile on her lips. I nodded and looked at the guy that was now sat across from me.

Leon Kuwata X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now