Chapter 2

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(You walk out of class and someone slaps your ads and you turn around to see...)
You turn around to see Payton.(HAHAH you thought it was josh.. No girlie)
Josh noticed Payton slap your ass and has a mad look on his face. Does josh like me, NO of course not I mean look at me. I turn around and slap Payton and when I do I see a little smirk form on joshes face. P- Payton Y- You J- josh Ja- jaden B-bryce N-nessa more characters will come soon!
P- What the fuck Olivia! Y- What do you mean what the fuck you slapped my ass you dick! P- whatever🙄
N- Wow that's prolly the first and last time you'll ever get attention from a boy. Y- Shit the fuck up you ugly ass mother fucker, All you do is talk shit and bully me WHAT THE FUCK DID I EVER DO TO YOU WE WERE BEST FRIENDS AND YOU JUST TURNED ON ME! (oh yea forgot to mention me and nessa used to be best friends before she turned on me-and left me for those fuck boys. N- WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME! I got scared and put my head down and didn't respond and nessa came over and punched me in the stomach and I fell to the ground and saw that I was coughing up blood until everything went black. I woke up in a unfamiliar room and then I saw a baby picture which looked like Payton but I couldn't really tell because how much pain I was in. I got up and stumbled down making a loud bang. I heard someone running up the stairs I was so scared I didn't know who it was. P-Omg are you okay. Y- Yeah I'm fine why am I here? Nessa beat you up and you fainted so I carried you to my house. (His house was not far from school) Oh, you said. Y-I'm a little tired don't I'm gonna go home. P- oh okay well feel better . Y- Okay and thank you btw P-no problem. As you walked home since you lived a couple houses down from Payton you hear a honk from a car. You see josh and his fuck boy friends. J-Yo Olivia! I started to try and run because I didn't want to get beat up but of course his car was faster then my running. He caught up and got out of his car and ran up to me grabbing my arm and pulling me back. Y-Ow let go of me. J- wait I need to talk to you Y- oh now you want to talk after all those years of bullying me! I yell. As I yelled that I could see that josh looked like he was about to cry and he was filled with anger. Before I could say sorry he punched me to the ground and all his friends got out of the car and started to kick, punch, spit, and beat me. I was just laying there and couldn't move because of how much pain I was in. I saw everyone get back in the car except for josh. J-Nobody likes you! I could feel a warm tear fall down my cheek J- aww is the princess gonna cry HAHAH. He got in the car and sped off just leaving me there in the sidewalk beaten down bad that I couldn't move. I closed my eyes and heard footsteps coming tords me I opens my eyes and saw OMG......


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