Chapter 4

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( Omg does he want to FUCK...)
Reality: We finally got to school and I see josh making out with some blond sluty girl. J-aye bbg. Y-um shouldn't you be worrying about your make out side hoe and not me? ???-Hey olivia! I heard a unfamiliar voice call my name I turn around to see bryce running up to me. Y-uh hi? B-hey um so I was wondering.. Y-yea?
B-do you want to go to the party with me tonight? Y-oh um sure! B-really cool um well lll get going now. Bryce went to our school but he would never really bully me he would just watch josh do it all which kinda had me worried they were planning something. As I was walking to class Payton came up to me and KISSED ME!!!!! Y-what the fuck Payton!? P-oh bbg you know you liked that😏. Y- get the fuck away from me! As I tried to walk away Payton grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. Oh no is he gonna hurt me? P-and where do you think your going? Y- um class?! Payton then tried kissing again and hard and he was hurting my wrist because he was still holding it tight so I was trying to move but I couldn't his grip was too strong. J-wow what a ducking slut. You hear josh say that and you feel your stomach drop like you just saw a ghost. Why do I care what josh thinks, do I like him? WHAT NO TF he's my bully not my crush. Y- Payton get off of me! P-why don't you want me princess? I saw josh turn his head and his face filled with anger like he was about to kill someone. J- what the fuck did you just call her!? P- princes, what are you gonna do about it. I then relized josh always called me princess and I think he's jealous!? Josh then punched him in the face making Payton knock over on to the ground and so I got scared and started to run to my secret spot. When I was running I could hear someone running after me but I was so focused on getting away from everyone I didn't care. J- Come her we need to talk! Josh yelled as I turn the corner. I finally find my spot and josh follows me there. J- we need to talk! At this point I was scared to death I thought he was gonna kill me back here. ( were I the back of the school btw) Y-what do you wa- Josh Pins me against the wall and starts kissing me!!!!! Like wtf!???! I tried to ouch him off but he wouldn't so I just went with it and kissed him back. He started to kiss my neck and that when I stopped what was happening. Y- what the fuck first you bully and beat me up and then you kiss me!? J-oliv- before he could finish I ran out of school and to my house. I got home and went upstairs. ( my dad died when I was 5 and my mom is an alcoholic and abused me my whole life and she out in some diffrent state with some diffrent guy. I walk up stairs and lay down and soon fell asleep. I woke up to my phone ringing nessa was calling. Y-Hello? N- heyy gurl the party is at 8:00pm tonight so get ready and shit!!! Y-okay thanks bye. N-byeee.
I take a shower real quick and get dressed and do everything.
My fit:

This is what you look like btw

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This is what you look like btw

You did natural makeup and just let your hair flow down You walk to the party because it's at Payton's house and you live right by him

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You did natural makeup and just let your hair flow down
You walk to the party because it's at Payton's house and you live right by him. When you walk in you see josh, Payton, bryce and the rest of joshes crew stare and you. P- hey bbg Y- uh hey? P-follow me bbg ( I'm cringing so bad rn sorry peeps) as he grabbed my hand we start to walk but the josh pulls me back and Payton gets scared cuz he got beat up by him and walked away. Y-wtf do you want!? J-you Y- well I don't want you tf! You see bryce and you go up and give him a hug B- heyy olivia you look amazing Y- thank you you don't look too bad yourself😏 B- hey wanna get out of here with me? You said sure and as you were walking out Payton comes and grabbed you right hand and josh grabs the left. (Bryce was shookithed) Y-OMG all of you let go of me! They all did and I stormed in the house and up stairs into Payton's bedroom. I payed on the bed when I heard the door open it was josh. J- hey. Y-uh hey? J-sorry about that I didn't want you to leave with my friend I guess I got a little jealous. Y- oh um it's okay I didn't really wanna leave anyways. Josh leaned in and was about to kiss me then Payton walked in.🙄( dumb bithh Payton) P- olivia come here. Y- why? P- because I need to talk to you. Y- oh uh okay. Y- josh I'll be right back. J-ok. P- hey olivia um I- i- I like you! I stood there in shock PAYTON the hot boy payton likes ME!!!? Y-thnaks Payton I like you too I just don't want anything rn P- I understand bye olivia. Y- wait pay- he walked away I felt bad but he can't expect me to like him when he's a creep to me. B- olivia can we talk? Y- oh yea sure B- I like you. Y- Oh um I like you too but I have to go. OMG two hot boys just confessed!!! J- hey olivia we need to talk. Y- Um okay. I was scared because I didn't want him to beat me up. J- so um I like um well like I like you! WHAT THE FUCK THREE HOT BOYS CONFESS TO ME!!!! ESPECIALLY MY BULLY!!!!!???! J- so do you feel the same? Y- how do you expect me to like you after three years of putting me through hell and bullying me and calling me a slut! J- olivia I'm so sorry I was a dick and I only did it so I could try and stop liking you but It didn't help Y- how long have you liked me J- since we met in 8th grade. OMG MY HOT BULLY has liked me for 4 years! Y- josh I like you too but I need to get home. J- oh ok. I was getting up to leave and then josh pinned me against the wall and stated to kiss me and then we started to make out and then he.....

CLIFFHANGER BITCHHHHHH also from now on I'm gonna post every other day so I post chapter 5 on Friday BYE loves

Words: 1190

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