Chapter Four

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Sugawara turned to you with a nervous, closed eye smile. "Go on in and meet your bodyguards while I go to get a health kit for Kageyama."

You nodded your head, watching the angelic man walk away. You couldn't help, but admire the way he walks with such grace. You couldn't believe you'd see a man walk with such grace. He must really have himself together then.

You turned your attention back to the door at hand. Literally at hand because your hand is resting on the doorknob. You're not sure if you should go into that room. One of them is stabbed by a knife and one of them was holding the knife. You should have asked Sugawara if it was save for you to go inside.

But they are your bodyguards while you stay inside this beautiful mansion. The beautiful mansion should have some flaws into it. Those flaws might be the people living there. Maybe you should ask Sugawara if he has a place to live because not all the men that stay in this mansion. Right?

You let out a sigh, deciding to not dwell on the your thoughts about the bodyguards. You turned the handle, opening the door and before any words could leave your mouth, something went pass the side of your head. You heard something be jammed into the wooden doors.

Your eyes went to the side, seeing a knife come into your view. The tip of the knife is inside the wall. Inside the freaking wall! Did your bodyguards try to kill you! Such a great first impression, am I right?

"Hinata!" The dark haired man shouted, scowling at his partner.

Hinata's scary expression disappeared, replaced by a more softer and friendly expression. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry. Old habits."

You couldn't believe you were almost killed. You placed a hand on your chest, your heart beating rapidly in your chest as you realize how close to death you were. You're not ready for death to take you with open arms!

"You must be the lady that Suga told us about!" Hinata beamed, striding over to you.

Your eyes flickered over to the man with dark hair seeing him side and you noticed the black handle of a knife sticking out betwen his fingers. Your eyes widen at the blood on his fingers and shirt as well. Before you know it, you're already at his side and staring at him in concern.

"Holy Lordy! Are you okay?" You asked, placing a hand on his upper arm as you stare at his wound. "How do you feel? Do hou feel light headed? Why aren't you freaking out?"

"Because this has happened before," the man said, staring at you with a blank expression.

You weren't sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. You really curious about his previous wounds, but you're not gonna ask. That's quite inappropriate at the time and you don't really know him.

"Sugawara is going to patch Kageyama real quick!" Hinata exclaimed, catching your attention.

Kageyama... Now why does that sound familiar? You stared at Kageyama, studying his features as you tried to figure out where you've heard of that name. Foreign names are common in America and different cultures have developed in different states that have a huge impact on the residents. You just ponder where you heard Kageyama from.

Kageyama turned his head towards you and noticed your intense stare. You watched the blush rise to his cheeks and his mouth open slightly. You ponder if he's about to say something about your staring.

"D-Do I h-have something o-on my face?" Kageyama questioned, a timid expression on his features.

A gasp escaped your lips, your eyes widening as you stared at Kageyama. Him and Hinata were the ones who helped you and Evan during that gun war between Karasuno and Johzenji. No wonder Kageyama and Hinata seemed familiar. You honestly didn't expect to see them again.

"You were the ones who helped me escape," you stated, your eyes flickering between Hinata and Kageyama. "You pulled me and my nephew into safety from Johzenji."

"Ah, Lady with the cute dog!" Hinata exclaimed, giving you a long nickname.

"Are you okay? I mean, you protected me and my nephew from that explosion," you said, staring at Hinata in concern.

"Yes! Suga did a good job on me!" Hinata stated.

You heard footsteps approaching the dining room and you turned your head to see Sugawara walk inside with a health kit. You noticed his eyes graze over the knife that's still inside the door and Sugawara turned a 'kind' smile towards Hinata. You looked back over at Hinata to see him starting to act nervous.

"Did you just try to kill an innocent woman sho's stuck with us because some new recruits decide to take her as a gift for the Boss?" Sugawara questioned, tilting his head a little.

"Old habits..." Hinata mumbled, shrugging his shoulders a little.

Sugawara shook his head, letting out a sigh as he walks over to Kageyama. He sits down to him, opening the health kit and getting started. You decided to stand, not feeling comfortable to ask to sit or to just sit. You watched Sugawara take out necessary things to fix up Kageyama.

A blush had erupted on your cheeks when Kageyama had taken off his shirt after Sugawara cut a hole into. You quickly looked away, making sure to keep your eyes pure until you aren't single anymore. Besides, Kageyama looks younger than you, probably by a few years.

"I'm sure you met Hinata and Kageyama, yes?" Sugawara asked, you nodded your head. "They will be with you at all times and if you ever want to leave, have them accompany you. Wouldn't want you to get taken by a snake."

"Snake?" You asked, raising your eyebrow.

"Yes. They're quite sneaky and can be hiding anywhere, so watch your back," Sugawara informed, his focusing remaining on Kageyama.

You ponder what Sugawara said that. Who's he referring to as a snake? You don't remember a gang that's know as a snake at all. Karasuno are more known as crows cause it's in the name like Nekoma is cats. But could there be a spy within Karasuno? What could possibly be their purpose?

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