Chapter 3:

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I'm just gonna say
Y'all are so nice and I'm totally not gonna cry about it later
I'm glad everyone is enjoying the things I write :")))
Also I've been listening to savage love on repeat all day help

Bad had Dream sit down in the middle of the floor while he looked for a book.

Dream watched Bad closely, "So.. what are you planning to do?"

"Not sure yet..." Bad answered.

Dream huffed, and looked around from where he sat. He never got to see the inside of Bad's place before. "You have a nice house."

"Thanks." Bad flipped through a book and let out a frustrated growl. "I haven't organized in so long. This is so irritating."

"Do you need help?"

"No." Bad continued to flip through different books before he gave up. "Whatever. It's not on this shelf."

"What are you looking for?" Dream asked.

"I'm pretty sure I had a book that would tell you how to not get in trouble with the Celestials." Bad said, kind of making that up.

"Why would they get so angry?"

"Because the dead aren't supposed to interact with the living! It's in the rules!" Bad shouted, more frustrated.

"Well what about you?" Dream shot a glare at Bad.

"I'm a grey area, neither alive nor dead. I'm allowed to interact with living people and dead people."

"Then why did you say—"

"Dream, I love you, you're one of my closest friends and I'm sorry but can you please shut up for just a little bit?" Bad finally snapped and Dream went quiet.

Bad continued to look for that darn book, and when he finally found it, he let out a noise of victory. "Yes!" He went over to Dream and sat down across from him.

He opened the book. "So this tells you how to not get in trouble?"

"Kind of." Bad read through a few pages, silently. "I think.. If done correctly, I could give you enough power to either be seen by anyone or have more capabilities in moving physical objects."

"Well obviously I want that first one!" Dream scooted closer, looking at the book. It was written in some language that Dream couldn't understand. "How do you read that?"

"I've been around for a long time, Dream. It's not hard to learn something new." He flipped through a few more pages. "I think I understand how to do this..." He said to himself.

Dream tilted his head, "You think?"

"I've never done this before, but I'll try."


George opened his eyes. He groaned and sat up, stretching. He looked over at Sapnap, who was already awake. "Ah!" He jumped, "You scared me."

Sapnap grinned, "Sorry." He yawned, "You know, the weirdest thing happened last night, George."

"Oh yeah?"

"So, I woke up because I thought I heard my name, right?" George nodded and Sapnap continued his story. "So I walked downstairs, and no one was there, obviously, and right when I was about to leave, Dream's mask fell. So I hung it back up, and went to leave but then it fell again."

Sapnap handed the mask to George. George looked it over, "Weird..." He shrugged. "Don't worry, Sap. This will be an easy fix!" George smiled.

Sapnap smiled back, "Good!"

"Oh yeah, I'm also going to check on Bad, today. Would you like to come?" George stood up and started to get ready.

Sapnap turned around, letting George have some privacy to change. "Hm... Nah, I think I'll stay back today. Might go mining or something."

"Better stay clear of creepers." George joked.

Sapnap rolled his eyes, "Haha, very funny. Just as funny as the other times you and Dream would joke about that."

"Oh please, it's hilarious." George put on his t-shirt, letting Sapnap know that he could turn around again.

"To you. You're not the one who almost died." Sapnap said, dramatically.

"You did not almost die." George laughed. Sapnap stuck his tongue out and then stood up too.

George left the room to grab something to eat, and then he got to work on fixing the mask.

Sapnap watched closely. George just used some glue, extremely simple. When he was done, he handed it back to Sapnap. "Gonna hang it back up?"

Sapnap shook his head, "I'm worried that it might fall again."

"Fair enough." George got ready, "Okay, I'm going to Bad's."

"Be safe, George." Sapnap waved, smiling as he left. Sapnap looked down at the mask he was holding. "Now to figure out how you keep falling..."


George walked for a while, before he stopped at Bad's house. He knocked on the door, and received no answer.

"Bad?" George slowly opened the door, looking around. He paused in shock when he saw Bad and...


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