Chapter 5:

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Man it's so cold

George and Bad panicked, "Sapnap!" George gasped, "Hey!"

Sapnap tilted his head, "Are you okay?"

George stumbled over his words, "You're— wearing the mask!"

Sapnap set the sword down, "Yeah! I got scared to leave it.. and I guess I just put it on!" He shrugged.

Bad glances around, noticing that Dream was gone. That's why Sapnap wasn't freaking out, he didn't see Dream yet.

"Hi, Bad!" Sapnap went over to sit with them, "What are you doing?" He asked, looking at the blaze rods, gold and flowers.

"Bad... wanted help with an art thing." George made up an excuse.

Sapnap seemed to accept that answer, looking down at all that they had, "Oh, that's cool! Didn't know you liked art, Bad."

"We-well of course I do!" Bad smiled nervously.

Dream peeked from the doorway. Sapnap was right there. So close. He could go to him, tell him how much he misses him... Dream shook his head as George's words echoed in his head. He didn't know how Sapnap would react.

Dream hid again, going to a different room, just in case. When he walked into their storage room, he was met with a shadowy figure, staring at him. It lunged at Dream, who let out a scream.

Sapnap looked around, confused. "Did you guys hear that?"

George held his breath, "nO! N-not at all!" He forced a smile.

"Neither did I!" Bad joined in with George.

Sapnap frowned and stood up, "I'm going to go see." George and Bad exchanged a nervous look. And then he ran after Sapnap.

Sapnap opened the door to the storage room, looking around. George and Bad crashed into him from behind, making all of them fall down. "Ow! Why are you guys acting so weird?" He glared at the two.

George looked around. Nothing was there. "Got nervous!" He laughed awkwardly. Sapnap rolled his eyes and stood up.

"I guess I was just hearing things..." Sapnap left the room, "Well... I'm sleepy. I'm gonna go nap."

"Okay.." George waited until Sapnap was gone, and then let out a loud sigh. "My god..." He mumbled.

Bad also sighed, "That was close... You can get off me, George."

"Oh. Sorry." George quickly stood up, helping Bad up too. "Dream?" He whispered. No response. "Where is he..?"

Bad looked around, "I don't see him..."


The shadow figures grip on Dream didn't let go until they were far, far away from the others. The green forest around them turned dark, and trees slowly disappeared.

"Hey! Let go of me!" Dream growled, trying to get away from whatever was taking him away.

Soon, he was dropped off. The world around him was just black. He squinted his eyes to try and see if anyone, or anything, was there. "Hello?"

"You've broken multiple rules, Dream."

"Who are you?" Dream stood up. 

"It was very simple. We told you when you joined us."

Dream gritted his teeth, "Oh. You." He glared. "Well... what are you going to do about it?" He asked.

"Those friends of yours." The voice began, "We'll have to get rid of them."

"Wh-what?" Dream laughed, "Get rid of them?!" He started pacing.

"Everything was supposed to be a secret, Dream. We allowed you to visit them one last time, but you've crossed a line."

"That's bullshit!" Dream shouted, "Who cares?!"

An unknown force hit Dream from behind, making him fall forwards. He grunted as he hit the ground. "It's just the way things have to be."

Dream glared into the darkness. "It's bullshit..." He repeated.

"You have a choice, Dream." The voice ignored him, "You can let us do what we need to do, and kill them. Or you can join us, and allow your friends to forget you."

"Forget me?" Dream frowned. "How do those choices benefit me?!"

"They aren't supposed to."

Dream fought the tears that threatened to spill. "I just... I just went through that exact thing! He remembers me, finally. And you want to take that away, again!?"

"Have you made your choice?"

"You're awful..." Dream took a breath to calm himself down, "If they're going to forget me... please just let me spend one last day with them..."

"Very well." The voice spoke, and suddenly Dream found himself back in the storage room.

Dream tried to stand up, but fell back down as he started crying.

"Dream! What's wrong?!" George and Bad rushed over.

They're Broken for a Reason [DreamNap]Where stories live. Discover now