Chapter 11

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 The Cullens' house fascinated Maisie. How a place was so open and light when it could pose a risk to all of them. How they felt so safe in the woods that they let down all guards. It was a sunny day and the curtains were drawn up.

She was glad when Jacob wasn't in the house when she awoke. With her dad at the docks and Jacob already with Bella, she didn't have to think of a lie in case someone asked where she was going.

Maisie requested that Edward move the piano more into the light while she sat in the windowsill drawing him. She wanted to see how his skin glittered. It was something she heard of but didn't get to see. Edward hated it until he saw himself through her thoughts. Alice smiled slowly seeing glimpses of Maisie in her visions again. The more she and Edward connected, the more the wolf let Alice in. Edward looked at the golden anklet that sparkled like his skin. He noticed it the first time she came over after ending it with Embry:

Maisie carefully snuck out of the house. Jacob and Billy knew she was going shopping in Seattle, Angela wanted to redo her bedroom. Or at least that's the lie the pack was told. Embry offered to come with but Maisie told him next time, when she was shopping for her own bedroom.

She purposely stomped in the stream that separated Cullen and Quileute territory, whatever threw people off her scent. No one was supposed to be on a patrol the whole morning— it was a rest day— but she wasn't taking chances. Maisie rung the doorbell to the Cullen house. Edward opened, happy to see her. He honestly didn't expect her back so soon.

"You cut your hair." He took a strand between his fingers.

"Do you not like it?"

Maisie rolled her eyes at her own question. She sounded just like Jake who had grown it out a little bit after Bella mused one day she liked it long. Sometimes the imprint made her sound more needy than she would like.

"It suits you. Would you like to come in?"

All the other Cullens were waiting in the living room. It felt nice to see the siblings Maisie hadn't seen since she became a wolf, as well as finally meet Edward's adoptive mother Esme. Edward gave a house tour. They ended at his room.

"You have quite the music collection."

"I've had time to collect."

One of Edward's walls was lined with bookshelves filled with records and CDs. Maisie picked out a record from her favorite artist and gently placed it on the record machine, moving the needle onto the vinyl. She sat down on the large bed as the music started. By the window, she spotted a minifridge— newly installed. If Edward could blush he would as his blood singer scrutinized every bit of his room.

"When are they expecting you back?"

"They're not. They think I'm shopping with Angela in Seattle. I'm all yours today."

Maisie poked around the minifridge picking out a small container of raspberries and an iced coffee drink.

"That's going to have food every time, right?" she asked as she walked back to the bed, where Edward had finally taken a seat.

Edward chuckled. "I'll make sure it's fully stocked." He picked up a raspberry to feed her.

"What would happen if you ate real food? People food?" Maisie asked after swallowing the fruit.

"It tastes like cardboard. Bland and with no nutrition. On people food alone I'd starve."

She nodded in contemplation. Edward grabbed her hand, hot to the touch. Vampires were sensitive to heat, Maisie's high temperature a solid defense mechanism against them. Every touch was like liquid fire but he welcomed it. The same way she welcomed the chill to her bones wherever he touched her skin. Edward kissed her fingertips.

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