Chapter 22

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The Cullens sped back to their house as soon as Jacob called. Carlisle cleared everyone out of his office and into the living room. The other Cullens aside from Esme left the house, knowing the bloody process of labor.

"You and Em can stay if you want," Maisie forced the words out as a rather painful contraction went through her.

Edward stiffened up. He wanted nothing more to be there for her but his mind always wandered back to Isle Esme. There would be blood, Maisie's blood.

"If I, what if—" Edward cut off as Embry grabbed his shoulder.

"Whatever you think you're gonna do, you won't. Maisie needs you, wants you here."

Edward nodded deftly, he refused to open his mouth. You can't bite if your mouth is closed to start, right? Both Edward and Embry did whatever Carlisle instructed to help Maisie through her labor. Carlisle has delivered many babies and maybe because Maisie was supernatural but he was honestly surprised that a vampire-werewolf baby would be just as simple as those other deliveries.

Edward held his tongue as he read the thought between Maisie and Embry as the wolf held Masen. It was important to get it over with, if anyone in the pack imprinted they wanted to know sooner rather than later. But Edward said nothing as Embry left the room with Masen. He said nothing and just held his girlfriend's hand, breathing a sigh of relief when he heard nothing from the living room.

After Maisie had rested and everything was cleaned up, the rest of the Cullens came back. Rosalie busted out the camera and forced Edward to lay next to Maisie on the small hospital bed as they both held Masen for the picture. The pack said their congrats and hesitantly slipped into the guest bedrooms the Cullens had at Maisie's request.

As Maisie slept, Edward rocked Masen in his arms. The Cullens smiled as he entered the living room. For once not being able to sleep was a good thing. Masen would always have a pair of comfortable arms to rock her to sleep. Rosalie took Masen from him around 2 am so Edward could go hunt. He had a feeling that even if it wasn't for him to go hunt, Rosalie would be stealing his daughter from him a lot.

Maisie lifted up Masen from the crib in Edward's room. Maisie was fully recovered after a few weeks, grateful for enhanced healing. However, she definitely didn't have the same muscle mass as before, she had slimmed down a lot due to the strain on the metabolism attempting to return to before the pregnancy. Maisie would probably have to work out in order to rebuild lost muscle, maybe she could ask Edward to workout with her.

Maisie walked downstairs and strolled into the kitchen. Like always, she would say everything she was doing so Masen could learn new words. At first she wasn't sure if she was truly teaching Masen anything considering the baby couldn't talk back but Edward assured that Masen was understanding loud and clear.

"And now we have a cream cheese bagel and your baby formula for breakfast," Maisie said as she made her way to the bar stool at the island.

Maisie didn't get the chance to breastfeed Masen if she wanted too, for whatever reason she didn't produce any milk. Carlisle surmised it to be the advanced healing because of the complications that come with a vampire baby no matter how smooth a labor. For all intents and purposes, it was like her body didn't even know she had been pregnant.

The school year had started and Maisie hadn't taken the time to apply to any colleges physically. So Maisie opted to take college online, at least for year one, until she and Edward figured out what exactly they were going to do. After Maisie and Masen finished their breakfast she took Masen over to the living room bookshelf.

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