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Okay so I have no fucking idea about how to go on with this but I'll try my best to place it down simple. So..

*deep sigh*

I'm going to take down this book. I've pondered about it deeply and felt that it's a right thing to do. I've been here for 3 full years as a reader and have observed plenty of things and petty details. After publishing my own book,I've come across many people with varied advises about how to proceed with a book and the most common one was "Never publish your first book with a different genre,something people are not familiar with".

And I guess that's somewhat right. Since I have just began writing, I have gone through different authors and they somewhat say the same thing- to begin writing with a common, romantic and a clichéd theme, because that's what helps one build an audience for their real and good one."

I've have never published this book out of boredom or to be famous or anything, I started writing because I had liked this theme for a long time and always wished to pour it into words. I've always liked my characters and worked too much to make them better but after coming to a point I've realized that I don't have enough audience to read what I pour my heart into.

And thus I want to begin with a basic theme,not too clichéd since I cringe at cliché, but something simple-to-comprehend kind of book, something that matches the "wattpad" criteria and theme. I want to do this build myself an audience, which basically means that I'm saving this book for right now only to publish it later.

I've also realized that the status of this book is kind of slow and that's it going a lil boring right now, I really wish to make this plotline intense and catching, something that I can't see happening probably because I'm just a newbie.

Ofc I will publish it once again with some major editing and after gaining ample amount of readers since I too believe that this is a kind of book not everyone would read just like that,specially from a newbie.

This book until now had a few hundred reads and yet I gained some genuine readers. I'm really thankful to all those who supported this book. I'm really grateful for the encouragement that my genuine readers have given to me and made me realize how much I'm fond of writing. I hope I can make this book a lil better after I publish it again, probably the next year.

Though I have many kinds of ideas and plotlines that I want to morph into full fledge stories, I haven't finalized one. I'm also going work upon my writing style and lower it down a bit since I do add plenty of difficult words that people don't understand and if one doesn't understand the context then what's the point?

I'm going to start working on a brand new book with a 'sensational and sweet's kind of storyline with a different ship(since I'm not an avid vmin shipper and ship all the members with each other lmao.) Since I have my exams right ahead of me at this moment, I'm going to publish the new book at the end of this month or the beginning of October.

I'm so really sorry for drafting this book in the middle but it's only for the better. Thank you so much for the votes and the comments that would make my day. I hope I release a better version of this book the next year. I don't know if I'd meet my handful of readers again,but really a big thanks to you all of you for showering your. love. I love you with all my heart.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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