Crack the Head like the Egg

137 16 22

"I'm too sexy for my shirt,too sexy for my shirt
So sexy it hurts
I'm too sexy for Milan,too sexy for Milan
New York and Japa-"

I violently hit the snooze.

Groaning in bitter annoyance and thick frustration,I squint my eyes under the blinding beam of light penetrating through the agape blinds, lively chirpings filling the essence of yet another morning.

The tiny feathered creatures have been warbling since daybreak!Literally demons disguised in frames of petite chirpy warblers.

"I'm too sexy for my car,too sexy for my car
Too sexy by far
And I'm to sexy for my hat
Too sexy for my hat"

The blaring music goes off once again,reverberating down the walls of the compact,olden apartment. Both in drowsiness and bubbling exasperation,I smash the Dismiss with brutal force.

Partially untangling myself from the cocoon of creased sheets,I place a single foot on the wooden material and brace the mildness of a morning temperature. The mildness of mid July.

Groggy and heavy eyed,i seek to rest the other foot on the ligneous floor and stir awake to begin anew day,oblivious that fate had stored in a morning present.Without completely unraveling myself from the sheets and toppling over thin air,I feel the head,arm and all of my dozy body in mid air,as if an angel with a pair of arresting,engaging wings that hadn't sprouted yet. "Ahslkshsk-"with a loud thud,I embrace the ground with unopened arms,entangled legs and flat face.

Dripped in drowsiness,i crack open the silence with a noisy wail,as blaring as a whale that has strayed from it's pod. With my eyes closed both of annoyance and lethargy,i senselessly punch and pound the air with wobbly fists,still wailing to no one in particular but the pastel walls as if demanding to be cradled.

In between the whale like wails,I catch the sight of the old dusty clock,rushing and tickling steadily. 7:50 AM. And  University begins at 8:20 AM. Sweet jesus's bitter wine!

The wails come to an abrupt and sharp halt, the pain dissipate and whoosh in thin air, with eyes nearby bulging out and hand grasping the strands of tousled hair,I rush and run and sprint for dear life.

Dashing past the parlor window,I get a glimpse of the apartment that resides beside mine,past the window and right into the room where i encountered Tannie. That adorable ball of sunshine. Unknowingly,there's a light tug at the corners of my lips.

On the other side of the window,Taehyung darts and and skips around the parlor,scurrying and rummaging from one corner to the other with great outburst of energy as if in a huge rush. A sloppy and slim fabric of milky plain shirt wraps around the refined shoulders,dainty biceps and conceals entire of the back;untucked. The sleeves securely cuff the wrist while the flat collar encircles his bare neck and and follows into a low v neckline. A pair of Semi-fit black pants loosely clings onto his delicate skin and reaches till his ankles.

With a sketch book tucked under his arms,he hastily straps a tawny brown backpack over and around his broad shoulders and sprints out the frame.

Dumbfounded,I blink at the blank walls of the vacant parlor before snapping out the daze and darting for a shower. For Christ's sake!

Bolting the door,i dash past the neighboring residences,the morn cafes engulfed in brewing aroma of coffee beans and the paved streets clustered with peddling newspaper boys,returning from smashing newspaper against the mankind's window panes.

i run,breathless. After miserably failing to board the bus that arrives at eight,i run. I sprint and run past the fellow elderly women clutching their paper bags of baguettes and breads,past the 'world's best' mummies and daddies that have their hands entwined with their little ones,little vibrant backpacks dangling off their shoulders.

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