Whatever It Takes- Natasha Romanoff x Daughter! Reader

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from my tumblr  (y'all really love mom nat! i mean i love her so it's fine)

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from my tumblr (y'all really love mom nat! i mean i love her so it's fine)

warnings: mentions of kidnapping, mentions of torture, angst (a tiny bit), mostly fluff, mom! nat

summary: you and your mom go on a mission together but things go south when you get kidnapped. your mom isn't gonna stop and does whatever it takes to get you back

You and your mother had always gone on missions together. It started when you turned fourteen. She had been training you in self defense and martial arts since you could walk. It would start as little things like teaching you how to kick and punch. As you got older, the tasks got harder. She wanted to make sure you knew how to take care of yourself. I mean, the world is a dangerous place.

Now, you were 18 and thriving. You could probably tackle each of the avengers. That's how advanced you are. You could even hold your own against your mom.

Fury had ordered you guys to check out a ex- shield agent who went rouge and tried killing other agents. Fury had the place monitored for 3 days and there was no activity so he had ordered you two to go investigate the house.

You and your mom arrived at the house and slowly opened the door. She looked at you and signaled you to check the rooms. You did a quick sweep of the house and saw there was nothing out of the ordinary.

You had separated from her. You were walking into a room when you heard her call out to you. "We just gotta look for anything suspicious then we can head out, моя любовь." You called back to her. "Ok, mama."  You walked into the room and walked over to the nightstand. You put your gun down on the bed to siffle through the drawer.

You were too busy reading a file to hear the closet door open. You didn't even know that there was someone in the room until you felt a hand come over your mouth. You tried to scream but it didn't work. You needed to alert your mom. You kicked over the nightstand, hoping your mom would hear. He dragged you out of the window just as your mom ran in. He smirked at her and jumped out the window. She looked down out the window and saw he was gone. She grunted and hit the window. A tear slipped down her cheek. She pulled out her phone and called fury. "we have a problem. my kid just got kidnapped."
It had been a week. You were tied to a chair with rope burns on your wrist. Your right eye was swollen shut, probably from the punches. Your whole body was aching from the pain. You just wanted it all to end. You just wanted to lay in your bed and take a nap.

You had closed your eyes but you felt a sharp pain in your face. You slowly opened your eyes and saw the guy. He smirked. "Rise and shine, bitch. We don't sleep here." You sighed. When was this ever going to end?

He walked around you and just watched you. Then, he came from behind you and grabbed your face. "You're never leaving. The only way you're leaving is in a body bag." You scoffed. Before you could say a word, you heard gunshots and screams. You looked over at the guy and smirked. In a hoarse voice, you said "Looks like your time is up."  He grunted and walked near the door. Just before he opened it, the door was kicked open. Your mom was there was a gun. She looked at the man and boy was she pissed. He tried to reach for a gun but he didn't make it. She flipped him and knocked him on the ground. She then took out her gun and shot him. She ran over to you and quickly untied you, looking at you with worried eyes. "Are you ok, моя любовь?!" She helped you stand up. "I've been better, mama." She sighed and kissed your head. "I promise you i'll always protect you because you'll always be my baby." You tried to smile put it just hurt your bruised face. She walked with you out to the quinjet. "Let's go home and get you cleaned up."

translation: моя любовь- my love :)

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