Broken Umbrella

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you pulled me under your umbrella
so i could seek shelter from the rain

you made me feel like i was welcomed by your side
almost like you wouldn't ever want to let me go

the rain was only just starting but i could tell you wanted me to stay dry for as long as needed

you wanted me to be safe under your umbrella
you wanted me to be safe under your care

you got me to trust you
and then i never wanted to leave

but then i felt the drops

your umbrella had holes in it
i ask you why i can feel the rain

you give me no response
i keep asking
i get louder and louder
and yet it's like you're deaf
you won't listen

i notice that you're slowly tearing the holes bigger

you let me under your umbrella just to get me wet
just to tear me apart slowly

i look around and see people like me
unfortunate enough to not have an umbrella

they don't look like they have been too wet for long and i wonder if they were too under your umbrella

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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