Back in the Desert

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Isaac POV

I wake up from my nap and look in the mirror. Because garages have mirrors and sinks in this world... apparently.

Anyway, I wash away the dirt from my, put on my coat and armor, grab my helmet. I open the garage and am greeted by the light of the sun. Never thought that I would relive the moment I stepped out of the vault.

I roll my arms around and yawn. Vickie walks up beside me holding my belt and holster. I chuckle, then take the belt and wrap it around my waist.

I walk out of the garage and towards the main control center, where Tracer is waiting with a cup of coffee.

Tracer: Mornin', love! Coffee?
Me: Nah, I prefer to start my mornings with something with a little kick.

I take out a bottle of beer, open it, then start chugging. When it's gone, I toss the bottle into the recycle.

Tracer: You... drink liquor? Aren't you 17?
Me: Need I remind you that my world was turned into a lawless wasteland. A little bit of underage drinking was the least of my worries.

She tries to come up with an argument, but decides against it and continues drinking her coffee. Then Morrison walks in. He stares at me for a second. He saw the beer bottle in my hand, but decided not to say anything about it. He turns his attention to the table in front of him, which displays a map of the world.

Me: So, on a scale of f*cked to screwed, what state is the world in today?
76: Officially, the world is at peace. In secret, somewhere in between.
Me: Terrorists? 
Tracer: Yeah. Wankers working for the Talon insurgency. They believe they can make the world better through conflict.

Hehehe. Take these guys to my world for a day, and this "Talon" organization will be disbanded within 24 hours.

76: The UN allowed us to secretly reform because these guys were causing problems. We need all hands on deck, but we're missing a few members. Mercy and are already heading to Japan to find Genji. Torbjörn shipped out a few days ago to find Reinhardt. And Mei and Winston are in Brazil looking for Lucio.

He looks at me.

76: Isaac... what is the NCR like?
Me: It's kind of like Cowboys vs Mobsters, why?
76: Cowboys, huh? In that case, you should have no problem talking McCree into coming back. Last I heard, he's somewhere in southern Nevada. We've got a plane that'll take you there in 2 hours. Vickie will have to stay here.

Nevada, huh? Well, at least I'll have a home field advantage.

I nod, then I head out. I look at the map to find the air strip. It's on the south side of the base. Since I have 2 hours, I head to the armory to grab some shotgun shells and some .45-70s.

Once I'm done getting the supplies I need, I head down to the air strip and get on the plane.


A sudden jostle wakes me from my nap. I look out the window and see that we landed. I get up from my seat and walk out of the plane.

I look around and see the airport. It's a lot busier than I thought it would be.

I walk through the airport until I reach the road. I use a nearby pay phone to call a taxi. When the cab gets here, I tell the driver to take me to a town called Dirt, the last place this McCree was seen.

As we drive to the town, I look out the window.

I'm back in the desert.

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