the kids arent alright

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jisung pov

i woke up to minho running his fingers through my hair. when i looked up we made eye contact and i swear i saw all the stars in his eyes. it's like a beautiful galaxy lives in those brown orbs of his.

"good morning beautiful." he smiled at me. i felt my face heat up. beautiful? pfft. "it's time to get ready for school." he smiled softly while looking at me.

"good morning hyung! do i have to :( ?" i asked. he chucked and started getting up. i took that as a yes.

he left to his room and i went into my bathroom. i looked at the bottle of antidepressants. i contemplated for a minuet before deciding to stick them in the cabinet. i stripped my clothes and looked in the mirror.

look at all your cuts and scars. disgusting. nobody will ever love you after they see that. how could anyone love a freak? no wonder your family hates you-

i quickly got in the shower and started thinking of other things so i wouldn't get too lost in my thoughts.

i'm really thankful for minho. how can someone be so perfect? i mean, he found me after i was kicked out and provided me a place to stay. he provided me a family. and not to mention m i n h o. HELLO??? definition of beautiful. his beautiful eyes, his beautiful nose, his beautiful lips, his beautiful hair, his beautiful arms, his beautiful- jisung??!?!! why are you thinking these things?!,!,!? you'd never have a chance with anyone as perfect as minho hyung. no no no. let's not think negatively. maybe you don't even like him like that? you can think another man is beautiful no homo. you can find someone so god damn beautiful and not have a crush.

after i finished my shower i went to get dressed. i put on my new favorite long sleeve hello kitty crop top, fishnets, and the pink skirt. i paired it with doc martens and did my hair and makeup. i did the alt girl eye liner. i put on all my jewelery and looked in the mirror. god damn i look good.

when i walked into the kitchen all eyes were on me. "y-you're wearing that? to school?" minho questioned. at this i frowned. did he not like it? why does it matter?

"y-ye-eah." i stutter. "d-do i-i-i no-ot lo-ook good?" i asked feeling my breathing pick up. minho quickly got up and walked over to me, wrapping me in a hug.

"no baby, i love it. i just don't want anyone to hurt you. i care about you too much to see you hurt." he said lowly. i calmed down and looked at him. oh god we were so close i could kiss h-

*ahem* chan cleared his throat. we jumped apart from each other and i looked down blushing. "you should eat, ji. we're leaving soon." he informed me.

"o-okay. thanks chan hyung!" i quickly went and sat down to eat.

when we walked into school i quickly dismissed myself to the bathroom to make any last touch ups before class. the door opens and oh great. it's jungkook.

he looks at me with a look of shock and disgust. "what the fuck?" he said quiet loudly. "you disgusting faggot!" he yelled.

he pushed me up against the wall and started yelling. i couldn't make out most of it as my breathing picked up and i couldn't hear much. he started hitting me. for once i tried to get him off me but he just pinned my arms above my head and started kicking me. i felt my cuts reopen which hurt a lot.

i tried to beg him to stop but words wouldn't come out. i tried, i really did. i tried to get him off me, to fight back. but i couldn't. after what felt like forever i started losing my vision. everything was black. i was just barely conscious when i heard "shit.." and then (i assume) jungkook ran out of the bathroom.

still barely conscious i hear the door open again. i try calling for help but i can't even move. "oh my god, JI!" i heard someone yell but i cant make out who. "oh my god there's blood everywhere..." i heard a different voice. then i lost consciousness.

i wanted to write more but i need to finish my english assignment that's worth 60 points. i love you guys, please be taking care of yourselves. 😚😚💗

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