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jisung pov

i woke up to minho playing with my hair. i turn over on my side so i can face him. i kiss him on the lips before i pull him closer, burying my face in his neck. as i'm waking up, minho is the first to speak up. you can see his eyes are still puffy and his voice is hoarse.


"yes hyung?"

"i want to tell you about my family."

i sit up and face him as he starts sitting up too. i grab his hands and nod, signaling for him to speak.

" family was very loving. i grew up in a very loving household. my parents were average people, working nine to five jobs. they always tried to make time for me and my sister, they didn't want us to be lonely since she's older. only by a couple years though. when i was about 15, i discovered im gay. my sister fully supported me. my parents were very loving. i-i thought they'd still love me sungie...i-i came out to t-them and they thr-rew me out. chan has been my best friend since i was born. our parents were best friends. after they kicked me out, chans parents took me in. his parents aren't only loving, they're accepting. it doesn't matter who you are, as long as you're not hurting anyone they'll accept you. after my parents found out, they cut all ties with the bang family. they moved to i don't even know where. once chan and i turned 17, they gave us this place. they ended up moving to australia but we wanted to stay here."

i listened to every word carefully as he spoke. he was sobbing, my poor baby. i pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back.

"that's horrible hyung."

"no, it's not as bad as what you went through, i cant complain." he sat up and i wipes his tears.

"hyung that's not fair."

"what's not?"

"don't weigh our problems. don't invalidate yours just because you think mine was worse. you can complain, you have every right to. what you went through still really effected you. don't invalidate that, please." i said gently, kissing his forehead. he nodded and. so started getting up.

"let me make you soup."

"noooo baby! i railed you last night, let me care for you!"

"yah dummy! you finally let out clearly pent up emotions, let me care for you!"

"nooo i want to care for you!"

"fine, let's just order. okay hyung?"

"okay but i'm paying!" he said, dragging me back down on the bed.

"nope. i'm paying."

he adjusted our position so his body was hovering over mine. he leaned down and whispered, "i said i'm paying baby boy."

i tense up and just nod my head. i don't wanna open my mouth because i don't know what will come out, words or a moan. he kisses me on the lips and gets up to order.

"what do you want lovey?"

"can we have pizza?"

"of course love, let me order it."

as he hangs up the phone after ordering, chan bursts through the door. he rushes over to minho and pulls him into a hug. i mean minho looked rough. dark circles, bags. red, puffy eyes. you could tell he's going through it.

"oh my god minho i'm so so sorry oh my god i'll never forgive myself i didn't mean anything i said oh my god i'm so sorry i was just scared i'm sorry please i really didn't mean it-"

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