さんじゅうろく [36] 🔞

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❝ And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust ❞

❝ And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust ❞

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Direct Messages:

[ Jimin ]

jmin hyung

you mean jimin?


midss u

wnna heaar yr voice hyngnim

...you're drunk

oh god

you just said you're not gonna be drunk as i am

issa prank

im so drjnk

wnna kiss u

this feells betr thna drjnkingncoffeer

i feel so lihht

i could fky hyungie

imma be a bird

hjustnlike you

i'm not a bird baby~

Yes you are!!!



that's a chick, not a bird bub.

chikcs ar erbirds!!!!!

alright maybe they are but i'm not one you silly baby

you're the one who looks like a bunny here

mgonna stop drinkinh nw mgonna eat pijja

mgonna stop drinkinh nw mgonna eat pijja

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