よんじゅうご [45]

836 53 2

❝ I'm so scared and there's no one there to save me from the nightmare I call myself ❞

❝ I'm so scared and there's no one there to save me from the nightmare I call myself ❞

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Direct Messages:

[ Jimin ]

hello it's been 2 days. where are you?

hyung seriously. why aren't you replying to my texts and dms?

you're not answering my calls either.

did i do something wrong, hyung? you know you can tell me if i did something wrong.

you should tell me if i messed up.

please tell me if we have a problem, hyung. tell me what's the problem.

i'm so clueless. i don't know what i did wrong..

was i too clingy? did i spoke too much? the words i said..are they too
much? did i go overboard?


it wasn't enough, was it?

hyung, i like the way you smile every time we facetime. it makes your eyes disappear and i can't help but to admire it every time.

your nose is so cute and it makes
me want to come over there and boop it. it's so tiny and so cute.

your lips are so plump and it looks so soft. i sometimes think how does it feel against mine but that would probably be weird considering we haven't met in real life yet.

nonetheless, i want to give you smol smooches.

smol kisses for a smol hooman being! wait— i stopped calling you smol hehe.

your mind amazes me so much. i can tell you always study hard and do your best which i'm really proud of you.

i hope you're not taking a toll on yourself again. i don't want you to keep blaming yourself for the inevitable.

hyungie..you're still not replying.

you're making me so worried and making me think so much.

i'm trying to re-read all our messages but we seemed okay.

i miss you so much. i hope you're not ghosting me.

i'm kidding hehe i know you're not that type of person who will ghost someone. you're too kind for that.

 you're too kind for that

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i miss you so much.

i don't know when will you be back but i really miss you. my heart aches for some reason idk

maybe it's missing you or maybe i'm just not taking care of myself well these days..

do you miss me like i miss you?

fucked around and got attached to you—

except we didn't fucked around. we did so much more than that and just think about the things we can do when we meet up :(

if you would like to meet up of course hehe.

i want to meet you soon or maybe come across to you in a cafe and ask why did you suddenly stop replying lol

another night without you again.

disheartened sigh.

koo night. ♡ i care about u

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