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hey guys...sorry for my lack of updates! Life has been pretty busy as many of you can tell. i hope you're all enjoying the recent releases we've been putting out. i've been seeing a lot of comments on our official account regarding Murdoc. i can understand many of you are wanting to know where he is but just like you all, we're also clueless. from what we all last heard, he somehow managed to get out of prison. we haven't had contact with him recently though. if there's any news on him we'll be sure to let you guys know. i know that there are many worried fans out there.

but anyway! recently, i've been trying to sort out my feelings. Noodle told me that i should maybe consider seeking professional help. i've never really thought about how therapy could help me but i suppose it could be helpful...what do you guys think? thats all i really have for today! take care guys :-)

-2D xx

3rd POV
2D clicked on the "post" button and proceeded to turn his laptop off. He felt a sense of regret addressing the rumors about Murdoc. It was still hard for him to speak or even think about Murdoc. He shook his head and brushed it off. "Our fans deserve to at least have some kind of update." 2D reassured himself. Getting up from his desk, 2D layed down on his bed. Feeling the soft mattress dig into his arms and cheek. Sighing, he closed his eyes; remembering what had happened that night.
"Damn it Ace." 2D cursed to himself.
"Would you end up hurting me too?"

-3rd POV Flashback-

"So? How 'bout it?" Ace said cockily. 2D, obviously confused by his wording; raised an eyebrow.
"Oh c'mon not like that you perv." Ace said lightly smacking the top of 2D's messy blue hair. 2D chuckled, still not knowing what to say.
"Just,  follow me." Ace stood up walking out the house. 2D followed, letting his curiosity get the best of him. The night was quiet, all that could be heard was the panting coming from 2D as he tried to keep up with Ace's pace. "JEEZ ACE- SLOW DOWN CAN YA?" 2D yelled trying to catch his breath.
Ace laughed, walking back towards 2D who was trying to calm down.

"How are you so out of breath already? You're lucky we're here."
2D suddenly stopped panting and looked up to see where they were. There were trees everywhere, many with long leaves that touched the ever growing green grass. Benches and small ponds could be seen as well. "Wha-what is this place..?" 2D said, gazing at the view and slowly walking closer to it.
"Its an abandoned park. This side of town is pretty vacant, therefore they stopped taking care of the place. But it somehow still manages to keep itself alive. Still having flowers blossom, trees growing leaves every spring, and animals and insects alike living in peace...until mother nature obviously works her magic and kills them for the life cycle to continue." Ace giggled, now sitting aside 2D who was still admiring the scene.

"Its still so beautiful...the ponds look so clean, I can even see the tadpoles!" 2D got closer to the pond, seeing the little tadpoles swim around.
"Even when you're left abandoned, and there's no one else there to care for you. There are ways you can still blossom, and grow."
Ace said, smiling at 2D who's eyes were now filled with tears. His lips trembled, not knowing what to say back. 2D could feel his body weaken, he wasn't used to being treated so nicely, and not having to do anything in return.

Ace pressed his thumb lightly onto 2D's face, wiping his tears away and moving his bangs away from his face.

"D' its going to be okay."

Author's Note:
Hey guys :) I took a break from my finals and decided to write a chapter. I hope you guys don't mind the wholesomeness. I just began thinking where I actually want to take this story. With that being said! Ill do my best to update whenever I can! Remember that you are loved and cared for, be safe and stay hydrated! <3

- a very energetic for no reason ryan

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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