Chapter Five.

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Chapter Five.

Clarabelle started to come to her senses slowly. Her head was spinning. She felt dazed. When she finally opened her eyes, she found herself in a dark room, with a single light bulb illuminating the center of the room. Her hands were tied behind her back on the chair she was sitting on. She was puzzled at her surroundings for a moment, before the events of the night came back to her. The drinking. The kissing. The needle. Michael's confession. Everything clicked and she groaned, even through the gag over her mouth. 

A chuckle echoed behind her, and not long after, Michael walked into her eye range. He was smiling as if he hadn't just betrayed her and tied her up in a musty old basement. 

"You're finally awake," he said. 

Clarabelle didn't roll her eyes, like she usually did. She wasn't amused, she was angry. 

Michael walked to her and uncovered her mouth. "This should be better, no?" 

"Screw you," she spat. Michael arched an eyebrow. 

"You sound upset," he said knowingly. 

"You played me," she retorted.

"You lied to me," he said, his face turning serious. "When I accused you of being a demon hunter, you told me that's what you are. But you're not. Because, if you were a demon hunter, you wouldn't be looking for me. I'm not a demon. I hate those sons of bitches with my whole being".

"Oh, I lied to you? Boohoo. What are you twelve?" she mocked. 

Michael smiled as he leaned in. Clarabelle turned her face and he skimmed his nose across her jaw, reveling on the scent of her perfume. 

"We both know what I am," he whispered against her skin. Clarabelle wanted to headbutt him or something of the sorts, but she knew that would be extremely stupid under the circumstances. 

"Anyways, you're upset about my betrayal. Totally understandable," Michael had walked away and was now pacing around the room.

"To be fair, I was actually willing to help you catch your bad guy, when I thought he was a demon. I was pretty bored when you came to me for the bullets. But when you said the nickname I was given in the streets, I realized that you lied about what type of hunter you were. I had to bring you in and question you about your reasons".

"And then kill me," she interrupted.

"Naturally," he replied without missing a beat, "We are not on the same team. I can't let you walk out of here alive, you'll come back to hunt me. I'm not stupid. I didn't get my startling reputation by being an idiot. If someone wants to kill me, I kill them first". His words were nonchalant. A chill rocked through Clarabelle's body. It was fear. She knew she was going to die.

"When we met, you told me to call you Michael. You said Clifford is your family name," Clarabelle was now just buying time, keeping him talking. 

"I didn't lie, Belle. I never lied. But everyone calls me by different names. Clifford is for my clients. White Fang is for my enemies. Michael... Michael is for people that I actually like".

"For your friends?" she asked tauntingly.

"I don't have any friends," Michael snapped. 

"I wonder why?" she said in amusement.

Michael looked at her. He thought she was beautiful. The way her long pink hair framed her face. How her eyes gleamed against the light. She hated him, he could tell by the hard look on her face as he watched her. But he still thought she was beautiful. 

"I had a friend once," Michael surprised himself at his declaration. Clarabelle raised an eyebrow.

"You did? What happened, did you kill him like you do everyone else?" she asked.

Michael shook his head as sadness crossed his eyes, "He's gone" was all he said.

Clarabelle frowned. He actually sounded like it was painful to him. As if he missed such friend. She's heard stories about The White Fang. Stories about him being deadly, ruthless, the worst of the worst. He mauled his victims, severed them limb by limb. He was the most dangerous of his kind. That monster she heard about, he had no feelings. Yet here was Michael, talking about a friend he lost with pain swirling on those green eyes. 

"Lucky him," Clarabelle said. "He left before you could do to him what you do to everyone else". 

Michael actually looked hurt for a split second, but then the emotion was gone and his gaze hardened. 

"I know what you're doing. Taunting me. Stalling. You're waiting for one of your hunter friends to find you, huh?" he asked. Clarabelle said nothing, but was upset about the fact that he saw right through her facade. 

"Can't blame a girl for wanting to live," she said, with a shrug.

Michael smiled. "Don't worry, princess. You're not dying yet. Not until you tell me why you want me dead".


A/N: Not going to lie, I was pretty disappointed at the lack of reaction on the last chapter. I thought people would be freaking out more and only 2 people reacted at all. Any-who, it shouldn't be such a shock that Michael is the "villain", in Luke's story, he said it several times that he wasn't a good guy, so yeah... 

Classes started for me on Monday. Won't be able to update as frequent but I'm sure your classes start it too so you'll understand where I'm coming from. Good luck with school!

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