I'll be your tour guide

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I felt a pair of eyes on me and when I turned around, I saw a very amused looking girl and a very flustered Lauren? Lauren was staring at me and was she blushing? Why was she blushing? That's when I looked down and realized I was only wearing my sports bra, leaving my abs pretty much exposed.

When realization hit me, I felt my face get a bit hotter. I wasn't so sure if it was because I am sweating or if it's because of the brown eyed girl in front of me.

When I looked up again, I saw the girl pushing Lauren towards me. We were facing each other and we stared into each other's eyes. It didn't seem like she was going to speak up so I did.

"Hey Lauren, how are you?" I said as calmly as possible. This seemed to bring her out of her thoughts and back to reality. She blinked a few times before finally talking to me.

"H-hey Y/N.. umm.. I-I didn't know y-you played t-tennis?" She stuttered and made it seem more like a question than a statement.

"Yeah, it's the only sport I'm into really. So what are you doing here?" I said before wiping more sweat off my forehead with my towel.

"Oh my sisters and I have been just wandering around the city all day and we happen to come across this park." She said looking back. I think she was looking for the other girl who I assume is her sister from what she just told me. But she was no longer there.

It seemed like it was just the two of us now and I really don't want her to leave just yet.

"That's nice, umm.. I was just finishing up here. I can show you some of my favorite spots in the city if you want? I can be your tour guide. If you want to of course, you don't have to if you don't want to. I totally understand if you're busy or if you have something to do or if you-" I rambled until Lauren spoke up.

"I would love that actually." She giggled. That sound makes my knees weak ugh why is she so cute?

"Alright then, let's go!" I said a little too excitedly as I went to grab my stuff from the floor.

"Wait, I'm here with all of my sisters.." She seemed to be thinking hard about something but I didn't know what she was stressing about.

"That's okay, we can all go together." I said but was secretly hoping it would be just the two of us.

"Yeah, but I have five sisters and we barely fit in our van." My eyes widened when I heard what she had just said. Five sisters? Wow.

Suddenly the girl she was with earlier was approaching us with four other girls trailing closely behind. I assume they are her sisters.

Lauren looked at the direction I was looking at and noticed them.

"Lauren, who is this?" A girl with green eyes and light brown hair said. She must be the oldest due to her aura she is giving off.

"Hey, uhh.. this is Y/N. I was actually looking for you guys, she just offered to be our tour guide for the day but I told her that we won't be able to fit in one car." She said looking at her sisters for help.

I was going to say we could go in two cars and they could simply follow me but the girl that was with Lauren earlier spoke up.

"It's okay, we were going to go back home anyways, we have some things that we need to do. You two can go explore for a few hours if you want, don't worry about us." she quickly said as she started pushing all her sisters away towards the parking lot.

"Wait what, are you guys sure?" Lauren said a bit unsure but at the same time I saw her eyes light up a bit.

"Yeah yeah, you guys go have fun!" The girl yelled already several feet away from us.

Senior Year (Lauren Cimorelli/Y/N) Where stories live. Discover now