Picnic Date

344 11 11

Lauren POV

After Y/N left I went straight inside and looked for Christina. She was in the kitchen making an instagram story for our band page.

That's another thing, Y/N doesn't know about the band and I'm not sure how I'm going to tell her.

"So if you have any cool movie recommendations, please respond because I-"

"Christina why did you-" I started but was interrupted

"Lauren! I was recording here!" Christina groaned and stopped recording

"Yeah I know but this is important, much more important than your lack of movies to watch." I said

"What? How dare you?" She gasped in shock.

"Come on, you can do that later. Now why did you invite Y/N over for dinner?!" I exclaimed. Don't get me wrong, I loved having Y/N over but a little warning would have helped. I would have cleaned my room a bit and get mentally ready to have someone in my room.

"I know you like her so I was just speeding up the process. You're welcome." she said casually

"Wha- what are you talking about?" I choked out

"You can't even lie about it, I mean, if you lied i'm sure I would see right through you. I saw the way she looked at you and I just know she feels the same way." she smiled and patted my shoulder. I was going to tell her that she's crazy but she walked past me.

"Anyway, don't shut her out. I can tell she has good intentions and it's about time you begin letting people in, you deserve it. I'm going to head upstairs, I have to start this instagram story all over again because SOMEONE thought it was nice to interrupt me." she grumbled and walked away from me.

I just stood there, everything she said was sinking in. Maybe she's right. Just because I got hurt once doesn't mean it will happen again. To be honest, I do like Y/N. I really really like her.

Maybe too much for my own good but I don't think I can hide it any longer. According to Christina, I haven't been doing a very good job at hiding my feelings. Now that I think about it, it seems like my whole family sees right through me.

I went upstairs to my room and got ready to bed, with Y/N in my mind as always. She is something else and I really hope she's here to stay in my life. I don't think i could handle losing her.

I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket, it was a text message from Y/N. I felt my heart beat quicken at the sight.

Y/N 🥰: Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I'm home now. I'm heading to bed so goodnight beautiful ☺️

Oh my gosh I felt my face immediately heat up. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside and that usually happens when it's Christmas.

I'm glad to hear you got home safe, I'm going to go to sleep too so goodnight! 😊

I laid on my bed and tried to calm myself down. Everything about Y/N brings butterflies to my stomach. She could just look at me and I would feel myself melt away. That used to scare me but Y/N has shown me she's not a jerk like everyone has been in the past. She cares about me and always makes sure I feel comfortable.

I felt my eyes start to close and if there is one thing I'm certain of, it's that moving states was the best decision ever.

the next day..

I got the best sleep ever and I'm just happy that it's finally the weekend. School starts on Monday and I'm not really looking forward to it.

Every drum major we've had these past few years instantly gain major popularity once the school year starts and I don't think I really want all that attention from people who haven't taken the time to get to know me in the past.

Senior Year (Lauren Cimorelli/Y/N) Where stories live. Discover now