•Some DreamTale•

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{B r o t h e r s. Am I right? No Incest Btw ;-;}

In Dreamtale, two Guardians, former brothers, fought for what seemed like endless hours, the air had a sharp scent of blood and sorrow as they continued fighting. The Negative guardian seemed to be winning the fight, the fight that may be their last against each other.

The Positive Guardian dropped to his knees, golden tears dripping down their cheekbones as their Brother approached. The Negative Guardian kneeled in front of the small Positive one, the Smaller guardian seemed motionless as the Goopy Octopus drew near.

"N-Nightmare. . .Wh-Why do We St-Still Fight like T-This. ."

Dream uttered, still seeming unmoving.

". . ."

Nightmare didn't respond, instead lifting Dream's head up to look at him gingerly with a Black goopy Tentacle, looking his brother in their eyes with an Expressionless gaze.

"B-Brother. . ?"

Dream stuttered, his worry and fear growing. Nightmare snapped back to his sense, darting into his previous position.

". . .Dream."

Dream's brother muttered under his breath, audible enough for Dream to hear.

"Y-Yeah. . ?"

The Positive guardian muttered in response, the bow laying on the round by his side. A Cold breeze swept past them both, giving off and Erie feeling of Dread and Grief.

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