•|Story Vent?|•

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Some days, like today, I lay in bed and Procrastinate. The Light spilling in from behind the blinds and splashing onto the floors and walls like a stream of questions. I'm lazy, yeah I know. I'm depressed, do I really know? It's hard to tell. 

She isn't okay but they act and treat as if she wanted them to act like that. Though they all supposedly love eachother and stuff but- have the considered the fact people hate them?

He's Boast and Prideful, though on the younger scale, that may shift when taking the responsibility of Eldest when I leave. 

She takes the role of the youngest. Sweet, Naive, yet such a Jerk at times. Sometimes being ignorant and a smart Alec doesn't always help, you know Darlin'?

She, has Anxiety and worries like mine. Though the difference is- she tells me, she lets her feelings out. But what if I were? It would surprise them. Making them think I'm lying about how I feel. My worries, my wishes, Fears, Live, Dread, Depression, Anxiety, Horror..

They'll never know till I stop mimicking my past self like a Parasitic Creature with the blank thoughts of "live, live, live, die." 

Life is short, though at times it's the longest thing ever. 

I know one who's family is worse than my especially. I heard them say that I'm the Reason they're still existing. I- I'm the reason someone is alive. Someone is Happy? Theyre staying for me, so, they're making me happy? What is "happy"

It's a Useless thing. It ends up in the Trash with everything else you care for. People believing love is a thing and lying they'll be a good person and understand. But, what is a good person? Not me for all I can say. 

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