Part 1

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     "He's entering the spirit world! He'll be fine as long as we don't move his body. That's his way back to the physical world." Katara said to Yue.

     "Maybe we should get some he-"

     "No, He's my friend. I'm perfectly capable of protecting him."

      Katara looked down at Aang with a worried expression. She wondered what he was doing in the spirit world.

                        Present Day

     Life was good for Team Avatar. No war, no worry, just happiness.

     Aang woke up and saw the snoring lump beside him.

     "Katara," Aang said as he tried to wake her, "Get up sleepyhead."

     Katara noticed Aang trying to wake her and opened her eyes.

     "Good morning Katara. How did you sleep?"

     "Pretty well, I guess. Until you woke me up."
She pouted and giggled.

     "Uhhhh, sorry. You can go back to sleep."

     "No, I'm actually kind of glad you woke me up."

     Aang looked down at his wife in confusion.
"Really? Why?"

     "We have a council meeting in a couple ours. Remember?" Katara looked at him and smiled, hoping he remembered.

     "Oh yeah! That's right."
Aang got out of bed and went to change. He decided to wear his everyday airbender robes. He shaved his beard and walked outside.

     Katara was wearing her special kimono. The one she wore on her first date with Aang. It had been ten years since then, so when Aang saw her in it, he was filled with memories.

     "Wow, haven't seen that thing in a while," Aang said, in a bit of shock.

     "Well, were going on vacation after the meeting, so I decided to wear this just to kind of celebrate our first vacation in a few years," Katara responded.

     "Shall we get going then?" Aang asked with a bit of an accent.

"We shall, oh-so-fancy Avatar Aang."

Aang laughed and kissed her cheek. They left for the meeting.


"Sokka, let's go!" Suki shouted from down the hall.

"I'm almost ready! I just need to grab my boomerang!" Sokka replied.
He came out the door a few minutes later.

"Jeez, Sokka why do you take so long every time?

"Simple. I have to shower, get dressed, grab my sword, do my hair, and-"

"Okay! Okay. I get the point. Let's just get to the meeting on time."

They walked out the door, hand in hand.
On their way to the meeting, they ran into Toph, who was apprehending a man for stealing cabbages.

"Oh, hey guys. Have you seen twinkletoes lately?" Toph asked.

"Oh, yeah. We're actually about to go see him right now. We have a council meeting," Suki replied.

"Okay. That's great. Tell him I said 'I'm excited for the vacation okay?" Toph asked.

"No problem," Sokka replied, "See you later Toph."

Everybody had arrived at the meeting. The gaang went over to talk to Zuko.

"So," Aang started in excitement, "is everyone excited for the vacation to Ember Island?"

"Yeah!" Everybody shouted in union.

"I can finally have some time to work in my sand sculptures!" Sokka yelled, "And I don't have to worry about them being ruined!"

"Oh, Sokka, you don't have to worry about them getting ruined. They're already ruined," Katara joked.
Sokka frowned and everyone burst out laughing.

Zuko looked over at the council area.
"Hey guys, the meeting's about to start."

They all sat down and started listening, though they had a bit of a difficult time. They were all extremely excited for the vacation.

The gaang met up at the center of republic city. They climbed onto Appa and set off towards Ember Island.

A Spirit Portal through Time (Pt.1)Where stories live. Discover now