e i g h t | sophia

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you looked at the minecraft chat and watched as messages popped up.

Dream: tommy

Dream: join g2

you looked at tommy with concern. he laughed, grabbed the mouse and joined a discord voice chat with sapnap, george, and dream. you became extremely anxious. dream had been one of your favorite youtubers for awhile now. you heard them all talking over one another.

"hello?" you said meekly. your palms began to sweat and you wiped them on your pants. the vc went quiet.

"who is this?" dream asked loudly. sapnap and george began laughing.

"tommy became a woman!" sapnap yelled. george could barely catch his breath.

"i just clicked on tommy's stream, who are you girl??" dream impatiently asked again. you giggled.

"i'm just tommy's friend from school." you said, cracking your fingers anxiously.

"can you put tommy on the mic please?" george asked. you motioned for tommy to come closer and placed the headset on him.

"yes georgenotfound." tommy mocked george's name, as he does. tommy's face was inches away from yours and you started to feel slightly awkward, especially knowing thousands of people were watching you. "shut up big man she is not my girlfriend!" he said suddenly. you blushed again.

as much as you tried to stop yourself, all you could think was "i wish."

you switched places with tommy and he continued playing with them for awhile, occasionally stopping to talk to you, making sure not to leave you out. this went on for around two hours before he announced that he was ending his stream. he turned off his pc and plopped down next to you on his bed.

"so... how was talking to the infamous dream team plus sapnap for the first time?" tommy asked you teasingly. you laughed and punched him lightly in the arm.

"it was terrible! i was so nervous tommy!" you found yourselves laughing and joking around together for awhile after that. you never got sick of spending time with him. he laid a hand down on your knee as he caught his breath from laughing. you looked at him, still smiling. your cheeks hurt from how much he made you smile. you looked into his blue eyes, the butterflies going crazy in your stomach. your thoughts were interrupted by a knock at tommy's door, which slowly opened to reveal sophia standing with tommy's mom.

"someone wanted to stop by and say hi, tommy!" his mom said, sweetly. she looked to you and smiled. "hi y/n! i'll leave you three alone now!"

sophia walked over to you and tommy and raised an eyebrow.

"am i- interrupting something?" she asked, sounding very jealous. you expected tommy to move his hand from your knee but he didn't.

"no, nothing. how are you doing?" you asked, shifting out of the position you were in. tommy sighed and pulled out his phone.

"i'm good, but y/n, i kind of wanted to talk to tommy about something privately, so if you could maybe leave us be for a little bit?" she sounded almost demanding. you felt your breath hitch and you looked at tommy, who looked annoyed.

"oh.. yeah, i can do that." you got up slowly and grabbed your phone. "bye tommy." you waved. he waved back and you left.

you walked down the stairs to the main area of tommy's house, where you were greeted by his mom.

"oh, hi again y/n. leaving so soon?" she asked you. you nodded, feeling tears threaten to fall from your eyes and you weren't sure why. she noticed this. "what's wrong honey?"

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