t h i r t e e n | big news

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you and tommy giggled happily as you raced through the busy city over to your spot. this was the spot you were sitting at when you first started dating a year ago.you both sat in the grass and looked up at the sky, just as beautiful as the first time.

"happy one year, y/n." tommy said lovingly, pulling out a small box. is this boy about to ask me to marry him??? he must've read your thoughts, as he quickly laughed and opened the box to reveal a small golden necklace with a white crystal attached. you smiled and gave him a hug.

"it's so perfect. thank you tommy." you said. "i didn't get you anythinge extremely special, but-" you pulled out the small silver notebook you had in your bag. it was a book full of paragraphs you wrote daily for him, never missing a single day.  "-i got you this." you passed it over to hi. he opened the book, his eyes filling with tears as he realized what it was. he wiped his eyes and looked at you.

"thank you, y/n. i don't know what i would do without you." he leaned in and wrapped his arms around you tightly, you doing the same. you felt your phone vibrate as you looked down and noticed you were getting a call from your mom.

"hello?" you uttered nervously into the phone. she usually wouldn't call you on a date unless it was something important.

"y/n, come home. we have something to tell you." she said seriously. your stomach dropped as you looked to tommy, wondering what she could possibly want. you explained to him what happened and raced home, by his side the whole time.


you walked into your familiar house and noticed your siblings sitting at the dining room table with your parents, looking equally as nervous as you were.

"hi y/n, hi tommy, come join us." your dad motioned for both of you towards the table. you both sat down and turned to look at your parents again.

your mom took a deep breath and laid a hand on your dad's hand, signaling for him to begin talking.

"this morning i got a call from the company i work with," he started. the your palms sweat vigorously as you wiped them against your pants. your brother raised an eyebrow at your dad, who took a breath. "they're moving us back to america."

your stomach dropped as you got up from the table, and quietly went to your room.


"y/n?" you heard a soft voice say. you didn't move your eyes from your phone screen, and turned your music up, drowning out any other noise. you felt phone slip out of your hands and you glanced up to see tommy in front of you, your siblings next to him. you blinked hard, feeling tears threaten to fall out of them. tommy looked at your siblings and they looked at each other and left you two alone.

"i can't go back, tommy." you said quietly. tears started to spill out of the corners of your eyes as he sat down on the bed next to you and pulled you into a soft hug.

"it's going to be okay. i promise." he said. you cried into his shoulder.

"what if it's not?" you asked, pulling away and wiping your eyes.

"it will be." he grabbed your hand. "trust me." you looked at each other for a moment before falling back into a hug.


chile, anyway i've been gone forever. i had no motivation to write but i finally found it again and wrote this chapter! this is the second to last chapter and i have the last one ready to publish probably later tonight! it's kinda a weight off my shoulders to have it all written but like omg i wrote both of these in class and almost made myself cry. but i hope you guys enjoy this small lil sad chapter and i'm SO SORRY TO DO THIS TO Y/N AND TOMMY LMAO. anyway, thank you for 17k reads holy shit that's insane! i love you all so much and i can't wait for you guys to read the rest of this story!

-kay <3

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