7-The news

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Meowscles POV:

when I woke up in the morning I heard snickering and laughs. When I opened my eyes I saw that M was still sleeping,I sat up to see that TNTina and skye were taking pictures of us and I immediately blushed. Skye realised I'd woken up and she said-

"Good morning sleepy head"(with this face😏)

I realized I never shut my door because I was so mesmerized by M's beauty.

Midas POV:

I woke up and saw that skye and TNTina were there and Meowscles had already woken up.

"We better get outta here!" Skye said in laughing panic

They shut the door on their way out and I leaned up and kissed Meowscles on the cheek

Meowscles POV:

"Goodmorning M,sorry did they wake you up?"

No one's POV:

"No they didn't Meowscles,but I know why they were here...unfortunately." Midas said in a calm soft morning tone

Meowscles chuckled at Midas's response. "Well I figured you would kill them later so I let it slid plus I didn't want to wake your cute sleeping face!" Meowscles commented with a hint of sarcasm and love

"Well I'll let them enjoy this moment while it lasts,ok?"

"Sure M"

And with one more kiss they got up and got ready for the day, a whole day of awkwardness and embarrassment awaited them!

When Midas and Meowscles finally got to the kitchen to have breakfast the agents stopped and looked in their direction. They both awkwardly got breakfast and sat down to eat, but a question sparked the embarrassment.

"So, Midas what did you guys do last night? Did you guys make love..?" TNTina asked with a smile

Midas spit his coffee all over himself and the table and his cheeks turned red with embarrassment

"Wha-no..no we didn't!" He protested in irritation

"We didn't yet.." Meowscles mumbled under his breath

"Oh-meowscles what was that? We couldn't hear you" Brutus chirped

Meowscles' POV:

"Nothing! Nothing, I didn't say anything!"

I immediately started blushing because I knew that they all heard what I had said. I looked over to see M blushing even more than before. I quickly got up and said that I needed to get one of my missions done that I had forgotten to do.

--2hours later--

I finally got back to the Agency and boy was I glad to see it! I walked in and I noticed that there was no one here "What a relief, I'm finally alo-well I guess M is here so I'm technically not really alone". 'I'm gonna go see what he's up to, I hopefully will be able to annoy him!' Meowscles snuck up to M's office but was surprised when he wasn't there. 'Hmm, I guess M wasn't in his office yet...maybe if I cone back I can annoy the hell outta him. I'm so evil muahahahahaha!'


"I'm surprised to see you here Meowscles" I jumped at his words

"Uh-uh I wasn't doing anything I just came here to tell you that I finished my mission...yeah-"

"Well Meowscles I know you came here for another reason so what was it?"

"Uh, M you ok?" Midas walked closer to me in almost a seductive way but I wasn't sure.

"I'm perfectly fine but I just wanted to know what you were doing coming in here out of the blue"

As he said that he took of his tie and put it on me and then pulling my face to his and he kissed me, then said "That tie looks much better on you than it does on me... I'm almost jealous."

"Hehe" I awkwardly laughed because I knew what was coming next.

Cliffhanger! Sorry if the last part was cringey. Anyway have a good day/night!! Also do you guys want me to do smut and/or lemon?

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