Ch 13: The King and I

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Your P.O.V.

After walking for a few hours I decided to make my way back to the church. And once I was just a few blocks away when my phone started to ring.

Y/n: Yeah?

Johnny: Hey man, Julius wants you to get back to the church right now.

Y/n: I'm only a few blocks away, so I'll be there in a few minutes.

So after I hung up I quickly made my to the church. Then I made my way to the back to find Johnny and King waiting.

Y/n: Where's Julius?

Johnny: He should be back any second.

So I decided to sit down in the chair next to johnny and waited for Julius. After a minute or two Julius came in and gave King a fist bump and sat in the last chair.

Julius: Looking good, Benjamin.

Ben King: Been a long time Jules.

Julius: Sorry about Anthony.

Ben King: That was business, let it go.

Johnny: So what's the plan?

Ben King: We kill Tanya and I get back to business.

Julius: I don't think so Benjamin.

Ben King: What?

Julius: I said no, you're alive and we're straight. But the Vice Kings? They're through!

Ben King: Then kill me and quit wasting my god damn time.

Julius: Well you have a choice. You can keep your fucking pride and die right now or you can be man and walk away.

Ben King: When did you get the balls Jules?

Julius: So what's it gonna be Benjamin?

Ben King: I ain't walking away.

Julius: Fair enough, Johnny.

Then Johnny pulled out a gun and aimed it at King. Then king just raised his hand so he could finish.

Ben King: I ain't walking away until I deal with Tanya.

Julius: My nigga.

They shared another fist bump before turning his attention to Johnny.

Julius: Johnny put the Damn gun down.

Johnny didn't want to but he reluctantly 3nded up doing so.

Julius: Now you understand thar this ain't just about Tanya, right? We're finishing the whole crew.

Ben King: Yeah, I know.

Julius: So let's get to it then, plan?

Ben King: I know where all of those fools hang. All we gotta do is get there attention and lead them to the cops. They'll take care of the rest.

I had to admit that it didn't seem like a good plan. But it was, unfortunately, the only plan we could agree on.

Julius: Alright Y/n, you're gonna be Mr. Kings wheel man.

Ben King: You ready for this son?

Y/n: As ready as I'll every be.

Ben King: Lets go.

We both got up and were about to leave when Julius stopped King.

Julius: Its good to have you back Benjamin.

With that we went outside, got into Kings car, and started driving to the first hideout. It was silent for a moment before King spoke up.

Ben King: So does Julius ever talk about growing up in Sunnyvale?

Y/n: He grew up in Sunnyvale?

Ben King: What, you thought he was from the row?

Y/n: Well, yeah.

Ben King: (laughs) And I bet he gave you that "I don't care what flags they're flying" speech, right?

Y/n: Yeah, he did. And I'm guessing you wrote that.

Ben King: Yeah, I wrote it years ago and that motherfucker still hasn't forgotten about it. You know you're really easy to talk too, you know thar? I don't have to worry about you interrupting me.

Y/n: And let me guess, that was Warren's problem?

Ben King: Yeah, the motherfucker didn't know when to shut up and just listen.

After a few more minutes of driving we found the first group of Vice Kings. So I shot at them and then I drove off once they started following. I lead them to where the police were waiting and they killed all of them.

Y/n: Good thing those cops still work with you King.

Ben King: More like they were just paying back one last favor.

It didn't take us long to trick the other groups of Kings to follow us. All we had to do was shoot at them and lead them to the cops. Once the last of them were all taken care of I started driving back to the church.

Ben King: You did really good out there today Y/n.

Y/n: Thanks King.

Ben King: But you know that even if you wipe out the Vice Kings it's not going to be over.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Ben King: I mean there's always gonna be someone looking to take what you have... Some punk who wants to make a name for himself or some girl you fucked and never called back.

Y/n: Man, I didn't think of it like that.

Ben King: No one ever does and they don't until it's to late.

After we got back to the church we got out and I went for a walk to try and clear my head. What King had said got me thinking about what would happen if we took the city. I mean since the Vice Kings are almost finished the other gangs would come after us.

And I had no idea what was going to happen to us next if we won. But I did know that as long as I had Johnny, julius, and the crew I knew it wouldn't matter in the end.

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