Ch 14: All The Kings Men

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Your P.O.V.

After having dealt some serious blows to the Vice Kings I felt that the end was drawing near. So, after what we did the other day, I decided to see what King and Johnny were up to. So I made my way back to the church and I found Johnny in the back.

Y/n: Hey Johnny.

Johnny: Hey man, so I've been chatting with King. And it turns out Tanya's take over didn't really sit well with everybody. The Vice Kings are fighting amongst themselves, nows the time to take them out for good.

Y/n: About time if you ask me.

Johnny: Yeah, and King said he was going to come along, I hope he hasn't gone soft.

I was about to say something when King just walked in holding a shotgun in his hand.

Ben King: Don't ever worry about me baby boy, cuz im gonna handle mine.

Johnny: I don't want you bitching out when you see your crew.

Ben King: It ain't my crew, that's why I'm here, remember? So how about you put your dick away, pick up your gun, and try to keep your knew away from the bullets.

Then King left to wait outside as Johnny get up and grabbed the rifle next on the table to him.

Johnny: Well you heard the cocky son of a bitch, let's ride.

So we went outside and got into Kings car before I started driving to the freeway. King then explained that if we were to get to Tanya then we needed the code for the elevator. And if King was right, then we would have to get to Tanya's fashion consultant to find out what it was. Apparently it was some sort of euro-trash guy named Stefan.

So after nearly an hour of driving we made our way to a clothing store called impressions that was in the retail district. So me and King stayed in his car as Johnny went to get Stefan over to Kings car. After a minute, we saw some guy who I believed was Stefan run out of the store with Johnny behind him. Then when Johnny got in the car King grabbed Stefan and I started to drive.

King kept on asking Stefan the code to the elevator while I just kept on driving faster. Stefan just kept saying that he didn't know the code and for some odd reason was talking in the third person. It was getting a little harder as we now had cops starting to chase us. But after a few minutes Stefan had ended up breaking and giving up the code to the elevator. Afterwards King dropped him and, after we lost the cops, started to drive to the Vice Kings hotel.

Ben King: This is it, are you sure that you're ready for this.

Y/n: I know I am.

Johnny: King, the only person in this car in worried about is you.

Ben King: Then you don't know me son.

Johnny: That's why I'm worried.

Ben King: Your faith in me is very encouraging.

Johnny: I like to be positive.

Y/n: Save it for Tanya you guys.

After a few minutes of driving we arrived at the hotel. I parked Kings car close to the entrance before we got out.

Ben King: Okay, here it is. Now the first thing we need to do is clear a path to the elevator.

Johnny: What then?

Ben King: Then we kill Tanya.

Johnny: My kind of plan.

So then we entered and started to kill all the Vice Kings inside. It didn't take us long to get through them and get to the elevator. So I put in the code and the door opened and we all got in.

Johnny: Where now?

Ben king: The penthouse.

After Johnny pressed the top floor the elevator started to go up. And after a moment of silence Johnny spoke up.

Johnny: I'm gonna skull fuck that bitch.

I started to think about it and thought it would be funny if he actually did that.

Y/n: Hope you don't mind hepatitis.

Johnny: What?

Before I answered the elevator door had opened and we all got out. Then we all started to kill all the remaining Vice Kings in the suite. And it didn't take us long to get through them as well as Tanya's personal guard. Then we made our way to Kings office to finally deal with Tanya. I kicked open the door and we stormed in and surrounded Tanya who was sitting at Kings desk.

Tanya: Some guys just never get enough of me.

Johnny: Well I've had my fill bitch.

Y/n: It's over you dumb hoe.

Ben King: You're not gonna be able to fuck your way outta this one.

Tanya: That's cute sweetie, that's just precious.

Then she pulled out an assault rifle and aims it at us. But we all start to shoot her out the window and she just barley manages to hold on.

Tanya: P-P-Please... don't.....

Ben King: Oh, Tanya, do yourself a favor and die with some dignity.

Then King starts to step on her fingers and it forces her to let go of the ledge. Then she falls all the way down and lands right on Kings car.

Johnny: That sucks for your car, man. Well we better get outta her, the cops are gonna be here soon.

Me and Johnny start to walk away, but I notice King not following.

Y/n: You coming King?

Ben King: Alright, let's go.

So we end up making our way back to the elevator and outside. We all just stayed quiet until Johnny spoke up.

Johnny: Hey, I know what you told Julius and all. But why don't you stick around and roll with us. I'm sure he wouldn't mind having you around.

Ben King: Don't get on that.

I just laugh at that as Johnny jokingly shoves me.

Johnny: Hey Y/n, you think you can find your way back to the row on your own? Aisha....... you know, the pussy calls.

Y/n: Sure thing Johnny.

With that Johnny started walking off and left me with King.

Ben King: You did good in there Y/n. Here, I don't think I'll be needing these any more.

He then hands me the keys to the penthouse. I was actually surprised he was leaving it to me.

Y/n: Thanks King.

With that King left and I took in a sigh of relief. Tanya and Warren were dead and the Vice Kings were finished. I had a feeling that things were going to start looking up for me now. Then I left and started to make my way back to the row just as the police started to arrive.

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