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"Why" my mother cried next to me it woke me up "what" i asked she just pointed to my wrists I shrugged and went to the bathroom to take a shower I heard her slam my door some people say your room is like your escape but mines my bathroom that's were I just sit and think mostly about my father he died when I was 10 that was 7 years ago but I think of him every single day some think he's the reason I cut but I swear it's not it's my mother he was only my stepdad but he actually cared about me. my dad left when my mom was pregnant.ass. but my mom couldn't care less about me she's an alcoholic but I could tell she was sober I got dressed and turned my radio on I was listening to my blink-182 cd again I started to think of my stepdad I got off of my bed and went to my closet and grabbed a small box. Pain. I need pain I thought I pulled out a blade. one. two. three. I almost cut four cuts but my mother called me down stairs I grabbed a pop tart she was still crying "I'm sorry" "don't be" I said in a somewhat angry voice "go pack your things" "what" i questioned "I can't have someone who ruins themselves in my house you need to go." I seen she was signing papers .rehab.i thought almost instantly. I went straight to my room and slammed the door shut
before you ask yes I have anger problems I started to pack my thing I got a suitcase from my closet and shoved clothes,toothbrush,toothpaste,a hair brush,my posters i know what your thinking its stupid but my posters are no joke the best thing I have other than my electronics finally I go back downstairs with my suitcase I got in the car she didn't talk to me the entire ride my first chpter sucks so yea but if you like it ily-emhemmo

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