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Izzyy POV

He cares he actually cares. about me. I walk out of the bathroom "I'm fine." "You sure?" I nod And lay back in my bed I was happy not because I was proud of myself for not cutting but Ashton he was there for me, he cared, and he was so sweet. People usually yell at me when they seen my cuts or give me a lecture about how I could die but not him he actually wanted to help me.

6:00 am

I slowly drag myself out of bed Ashton was still asleep. He was so cute when asleep. I smile walking closer to the bathroom to get ready I put on my black leggings and my nirvana shirt and put my hair in a ponytail "ash" i whisper trying to wake him up "yeah." He groans getting out of bed "thank you." He gave me a soft smile
"Now, get up its 6:23" " nooo!" He whined and I giggled "Ash!" I whined "fine." He gave up."yaay!" I say as he got out of bed he giggled he grabs his iPod and played 'drown by bring me the horizon' i started humming along to the music " do you sing?" "I do but at the same time I dont" what is that supposed to mean?" "That means I do sing but I shouldn't" he giggled at my lame response "do you?" "I do but I'm not that good" "oh," I smiled"your probably better than me" I say turning around to grab my shoes "whatever,can you had me a shirt" I nod pulling out a white jimmy Hendrix tank about of his drawer

This chapter sucks I know but a new update coming soon I promise I'm starting it asap and please comment and vote if you like it I don't wanna write it if no one is gonna read it so ily xoxo-emhemmo

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