please read this...

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Alright guys...

These past few days have been rough, ive been crying nonstop because how worried I am, I cant focus, I cant thing straight

My step-dad has been in the hospital these past few days because he had a very bad infection in his hand. We dont know how it started because in the beginning it was just swollen and looked like he got stung by a bee or something, one night he decided to drink until the pain went away and he decided to cuz it open to see if anything would come out of it.

The next morning when he woke up all around the cut and swelling was turning black, and the black was trailing down his arm. He has had multiple surgery done these past few days and hes not allowed to work for 6 weeks.

We were also informed he has to keep drinking (not as heavy) to keep his liver from collapsing...

On top of all of that he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes

He was supposed to come home today but the doctor decided against it, he has to go to get his hand checked 3 times a week now as well.

So right now everything is stressful, I have been taking care of my baby sister since my mom is staying by his side which is understandable. So I'm not going to be updating for a while because of this because honestly I'm emotionally fucked up right now

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