Chapter 12

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I do not own Naruto. Enjoy! :)


Kumo's POV.

"What do you want, you demon?" I smirked at him. "I'm going to let you live but you have to tell me who you're working for in exchange."

"My boss is the one and only Master Kuro. He is one of the greatest shinobi's in the world." I raised my eyebrow at him. "And why are you targeting the princess?"

"We are targeting you, not the princess." I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at him. "And why are you targeting me exactly?"

"That I cannot tell." I got pissed at his answer and in a flash, I had my knife at his neck. "You can threaten me no matter how you want but I will never tell you the answer to that question."

I applied pressure to my knife and blood started dripping. "Has it got to do with my parents?" I saw his eyes widened for a moment. Too quick for a normal shinobi to catch it but I was lucky enough to see it.

Thanks for the hint my lad! I smirked behind my mask before vanishing into thin air. I dropped my transformation jutsu and my mask is now gone. "Man! I should just buy a freakin' cat mask." I said to no one in particular.

Now, ON WITH THE MISSION. And with that, I reached the land of butterflies in 2 hours. I was about to be attacked by the guards there when suddenly the princess came to my rescue.

I sighed in relief. "Thank god! You almost saved me from a death sentence." I said cheekily. She gave me a small smile. "Let's go. I am supposed to escort you to my palace." I nodded at her and walked behind her looking at the village.

It was really pretty. It reminded me of the time when I was in the other dimension. Got to admit it but this ninja world is totally better.

When we stopped, I took in the sight that was before me. "YO!! HOLY SHUCKS! YOU HAVE A FREAKING HUGE ASS PALACE MAN!" I screamed totally awed. She chuckled at my outburst.

The door opened and rushing out was my team. They ran towards me and hugged me causing all 3 of us to tumble on the floor. I laughed as I kicked them off of me.

"Are you okay?" I nodded my head. Aside from knowing who was behind my parents death, yeah everything's okay.

"Let's go in! We're supposed to be having a feast right now." The princess said. We nodded our heads and followed her.

When we finally stopped walking, right infront of me was a SUPER BIG HUMONGOUS BUFFET. All types of food were spread out over the table. "NOW THIS IS WHAT I CALL A FEAST." I exclaimed.

And so, we ate and ate and ate until all the food was in our stomachs. I let out a big burp causing the princess to laugh. "Thanks princess." I said grinning at her.

"Yuki." I heard her say softly. "Pardon?" I asked. "My name is Yuki. Please call me Yuki."

"Thanks for the meal Yuki." When she heard my response, her smile widened. "I'll be going off to sleep now. Have a good rest." Yuki said. Sayomi then gave her a thumbs up.

She left without another word and the room went silent. "I'm going to fall asleep. Somebody carry me to my room." I mumbled.

I then felt a pair of strong arms around me. I opened my eyes abit and saw that it was Takeshi. "Hmm. Thanks Sensei." And with that, I fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up, it was already around 10 in the morning. I yawned and quickly washed up. Once I was done dolling up, I went to the boys room to wake them up.

I didn't bother to knock on the door as I thought that they would still be sleeping but oh god. I was so damn wrong. SAYOMI, RYU AND TAKESHI-SENSEI WAS AWAKE AND HALF NAKED.

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