My Paranormal Experience (2014) - The Cold Breeze

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My grandfather passed away unexpectedly on the 7th December, After we received a phone call stating that the paramedics were trying CPR for 1 hour I had to sit down (I only seen him 2 hours prior happy and watching TV)

When I sat down I felt such sorrow and heartache that I almost collapsed, Around 5 minutes after I felt a cold breeze run past my hair and onto my chin and it made me feel calm, it was then I knew he had gone. Something convinced me that he had passed away but now I know it MIGHT have been an out of body experience for him, why? Because the paramedics brought him back for a brief moment, but 10 minutes later he passed away in the ambulance. So was this him trying to comfort me and let me know that he's ok?

His funeral was last Friday (19th December 2014) and my bf went to the house to move his car and explained that he heard footsteps upstairs and no one else was home, weird? I think so x

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