Chapter Nine

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It's monday and the weekend still feels a bit like a dream. Ever since your kiss on Friday you feel like you're floating on a cloud. There still is that nagging voice in the back of your mind that tells you to be wary, to not trust whatever this with Tom is. You can't keep it from surfacing every once in a while. But when it does you shove it away. Let me have this.

Your car still isn't fixed so Tom took Theo to day care with you this morning before dropping you off at work.

And, while it was unusual and unfamiliar, there was something so nice about the way he gave you a kiss and told you to have a great day. Like it's supposed to be like this.

When you step outside of the office building at the end of your workday, he's already waiting for you, leaning against his car while scrolling through his phone.

"Hey" You call out to him and his head snaps in your direction. He shoves his phone into his pocket.

"Hey, how was your day?" He smiles at you and reaches out his hand when you're close enough. You take it and let him pull you closer until you're leaning against his chest.

"Same old. Got yelled at by my boss again." You shrug your shoulders. "Sometimes I think no matter what I do he'll always find something to complain about." You huff and lean your head against Tom's shoulder, breathing in his scent. You immediately calm down.

"Maybe you should look for another job. Seems like the working environment isn't really the best" He runs his hand along your back and you sigh.

"Yeah, maybe I should"

"How about we go pick up Theo and then I treat the both of you to an ice cream?" Considering it was mid March, the weather has been unusually nice and an ice cream sounds amazing.

"I'd love that" You tilt your head so you can look at him. He's smiling and you find yourself thinking that you could get used to this. Him cheering you up after a long day of work, him holding you, and him smiling at you like that.

"C'mon then" He gives you a soft kiss, which causes your belly to do flips. You're still not used to that.

When you showed up to day care with Tom this morning, Clara had looked between him and Theo a little surprised, but she didn't say anything, bless her. You wouldn't have know how to react to that. Especially with Theo there.

Theo's face lights up with the biggest smile when he sees you and Tom waiting for him at the entrance of the day care, his backpack is bouncing up and down as he comes running, Flopsi clutched in his hand.

You run your hand over his head "Hey bubs, did you have fun?"

"Yes!" He goes on to tell you about what he did with his friends while the three of you walk to Tom's car.

"So, Tom said he's gonna buy us ice cream, would you like that?" You ask as you strap him in. Theo's eyes light up and he claps his hands.

"Yay! Ice cream!" You chuckle and give him a kiss before closing his door and getting into the passenger side. Even though you don't really mind driving yourself, it's nice not to worry about it for a change, you don't have to concentrate on traffic, you don't need to juggle driving through the busy streets of London and trying to listen to Theo's stories. You look at Tom as he drives, completely relaxed with a small smile on his face. His eyes dart to the rearview mirror here and there, looking at Theo as he babbles on excitedly. When he has to stop at a light he catches you staring and gives you a cheeky smile before reaching for your hand and giving the back of it a soft kiss. You feel yourself blush as you squeeze his hand.

The light turns green and Tom has to let go of your hand to shift gears. 


"Mummy, can I go play?" Theo's eyes keep darting to the playground right next to the cafe's patio.

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