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"Theo, bubs, we need to get going. Can you go and put on your shoes?" You usher him into the hallway where Tom is already waiting. You're invited to brunch with Tom's family and you don't want to be late. They took the news of you and Tom getting back together quite well, but you still want to make a good impression on them, even if it's already the fifth time you're seeing them since breaking the news. You're gathering your stuff, putting some of Theo's things into your bag when you hear it.

"Daddy, can you help me with my laces?" it's like time is frozen. Your head snaps up to look at Tom. Tom's staring at Theo, his eyes almost bulging out of his head. Theo is unfazed, unaware of the amount of meaning that one little word carries. You still haven't told him that Tom's his father, so Theo calling him Daddy came out of nowhere.

Tom looks at you and shakes his head a little. I didn't tell him.

You nod gently. I know.

Theo holds his shoes up, pulling Tom out of his stupor. "Uh, yes, of course." You watch as Tom helps Theo with his shoes, a small smile fighting its way onto his face while Theo tries to memorise the way he ties the laces. Tom runs his hand over Theo's head as he stands up.

"You ready to go, love?" His voice is a little shaky and his beaming smile makes your heart flutter. You'll have to talk to Theo about what he called Tom just now. If he knew what that meant and why he called him Daddy. But you didn't have time now. This will have to wait for when you get back home.

"Yeah, let's go" You breathe and grab your bag. Before you can swing it over your shoulder Tom takes it from you. He wraps his arm around your waist and places a kiss on your cheek. You can feel the happiness buzzing off him, turning your still frazzled expression into a smile. Tom's been waiting so long to hear Theo say that. And now that he did he's ecstatic. 


You're still a little out of it when you arrive at the restaurant. As soon as Theo spots Nikki, Dom and Tom's brothers, he takes off running, almost making a waiter stumble and fall. You apologise for your energetic toddler before turning to Tom.

"We'll have to talk to him about this" You don't need to explain what you mean.

Tom takes your hand and kisses the back of it, "I know" he nods, but he's still smiling. You can't blame him, you still remember how happy you were when Theo called you mummy for the first time. Your heart still jumps a little every time he addresses you with it.

When you reach Tom's family, Theo is already sitting on Nikki's lap, telling her about how he's learning to tie his shoes all by himself. You listen intently, waiting for him to tell Nikki what happened this morning. Waiting for him to refer to Tom as Daddy again. But it doesn't happen.

You're sure Nikki would be just as surprised as you and Tom were. And everyone would jump to the conclusion that you'd told Theo. It would be an awkward conversation to tell them that you hadn't and explain to Theo what was going on. So you're happy Theo sticks to calling him by his name for now. Tom isn't too happy about it though.

You reach for his hand under the table. "Don't take it personally"

"Ah, I know" He shrugs his shoulders "I'm still not sure if I was just dreaming this morning" He smiles a little.

"You weren't. I was there, remember?"

"Well, you're the woman of my dreams so I can never be sure" His smile turns cheeky and you roll your eyes as you nudge him.

"Very smooth, Holland"

"Oh, are we on last name basis now, Y/L/N?" He raises an eyebrow at you, then leans in to whisper in your ear "Or do you just like mine? That a hint you want to share it?" You feel your heart flutter at his insinuation.

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