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GOOD GRIEF. jeonghan did not know how to deal with injuries. he should've (shamelessly) asked jisoo to stay for a little longer to help him with the bandages.

"ah!" jeonghan angrily huffed, giving up on dressing the wound. he ends up rolling the bandages all over his chest and neck. he looks like yoon bum from that thriller yaoi manhwa when his chin got slit by his crush.

hah. what a coincidence. jeonghan was also a yoon.

putting on a new set of clothes, jeonghan felt freshened up and ready to sleep. he'd eaten early dinner in jisoo's place so he could just go straight to bed—but he remembers suhae. instead of throwing a fit or ignoring it or whatever, jeonghan heads to the rooftop and climbs up to the highest branch of the tree.

"hello, suhae."

the wind answers, howling and blowing jeonghan's hair out of his face. jeonghan stares blissfully at the stars above him, trying to find where suhae is. maybe she's the biggest one of them all.

"i met a guy. you know, coincidentally, he is my closest childhood friend. he's helping me cope, and i hear from the news that your sister is throwing a petty fit in grazia's palace, demanding that she gets the throne instead of your eldest brother. she didn't even get accused of killing you. how ridiculous." jeonghan chuckles derisively towards suhae's sister.

jeonghan knew suhae was listening. boy oh boy, when did talking to the stars feel this great? venting out his thoughts and feelings without getting judged for it is truly soothing.

"you know what his name is? it's hong jisoo. he's got these big brown eyes, a rare smile, and brown, fluffy hair." jeonghan halts, eyes widening upon realization. "i'm talking about him like i'm in love, aren't i? i'm not, but he is a wonder. a mysterious wonder. i would like to find out more about him one day, when time allows. or if he ever visits me again."

giving up, jeonghan climbs down and heads to his bed. he ended up rambling instead of calmly telling suhae about his misadventures and adventures.

"oh, what a fool i am." jeonghan complains, tossing himself on the bed. he winces a little upon landing on his injured shoulder. "who am i kidding? why should i ever make plans for when i come back to the throne? jihoon is doing a great job himself. that way, no scandalous assassinations would happen unlike when i become king."

"but," jeonghan adds, "i have plans."

jihae and suhae are the second and third-borns of the king of grazia. their eldest brother, min yoongi, is the one sitting on the throne. their father had a deal with the queen of bellezia(jeonghan's mother) to have a betrothal with one of his daughters to jeonghan, since to become a ruler, one must have a spouse.

jihae was jealous. she never got bethroted, or got the throne—she was simply just a pretty princess running around grazia's palace, getting compared to suhae endlessly.

maybe jihae went on an outrage because she was jealous of suhae, jeonghan speculates. suhae never really explained the situation clearly for jeonghan before she died. jeonghan just got dragged in.

as selfish as this might sound, why did i get involved? jeonghan had no say in the bethrotal. it was not his fault that their parents favoured suhae over her.

"ah! whatever." jeonghan turns the lamp off and sleeps on his frustration.



"fuck marry kiss kill, princes jeonghan, jihoon seokmin and chan. go!"

off guard, jisoo turns around and crosses his arms. what was wrong with soonyoung? they are literally in a photoshoot right now! the bratty models might smack them if they slack around!

plus.... isn't it just fuck marry kill? soonyoung is cheating. he wants to get it on with all the princes(or three, since theres a 'kill' option?).

"aw, killjoy. i'll ask you again later." soonyoung replied, turning his head back to the screens in front of him; returning to editing the models' pictures. jisoo glares at him before the new model came in for her photos.

a week of busy schedules is going to end after this photoshoot. it was stressing, yes, but it was better than sitting idly on his couch with three of his friends beside him, watching netflix on tv while waiting for a client who would probably never come.

ah, but clients came and lined up, fortunately.

"though... do you think the death of prince jeonghan is too sudden?" soonyoung asks, clicking on his mouse endlessly. "i'm sad about it. he was a whole snack."

okay, jisoo got a little nervous there. if he showed it, chances are soonyoung suspects him of jeonghan's death or soonyoung will accuse him of simping over jeonghan. not like jeonghan's that irresistible.

"you were friends with him in elementary." hansol added, directed to jisoo, who doesn't spare him a glance. "don't you feel bad? you knew him personally."

"you never know. he might've changed. he might've grown into a bad person. but, i'm a little bit sad for him."


jisoo chuckles, adding, "this got serious."

"because of you!" junhui shouts, startling the model. he quickly apologises as his friends laughed at him.

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