epilogue: xu minghao

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XU MINGHAO is a born fighter. ever since he came out of his mother's womb to witness the unfairness of the world, he was enrolled in many different combat and self defense lessons. it was only fitting for him so, since he was a rogue.

rogues are always raised like that. it was the bare minimum. living in the shadows, bruises and wounds from the lessons, brute games that the rogue children play in hidden alleyways. when they grow up, they get to protest and attack and kill the people of bellezia in revenge of what they did to grazia before.

it was normal. it was the fate of all children born into rogue families. but, you see—xu minghao is not normal.

he's something special. others may call him a monster for it, sometimes a man of pure talent and skill, but it doesn't really matter. it wasn't a lie that minghao was exceptionally good at combat and sparring, and he didn't care about what they would dub him for it.

in his first karate class, he broke someone's nose and arm. he wasn't even permitted to do such moves then, since he had the lowest rank—but he incorporated the moves he saw from his instructor and surprised everyone when he sparred with another rogue child. and, he even taunted him for it after class. he was sly.

it went on and on. but there was a problem. minghao didn't like being a rogue. it was never really fair to both parties, and he planned on moving away—until he was tasked by the leader of the rogues to be then prince jeonghan's bodyguard and insider of the rogues in the palace, since he had a lot of potential and he would definitely not waste this big opportunity.

but, when minghao became jeonghan's bodyguard, he dissociated himself from the rogues. he became an ally of bellezia. the rogues weren't able to do anything about it. if they attack minghao, they either get caught by the personnel around and get exposed—or they die by the hands of minghao.

so, why isn't wonwoo dying despite attacking minghao?

"persistent," wonwoo dodged a thrust from minghao's spear that he got from the exhibit—he didn't have bullets left and it's either he improvises or he dies. "are you perhaps interested in medieval ways of fighting?"

minghao chuckles, looking back at wonwoo. "i'm simply interested in removing you from bellezia's system."

"you think you can enforce your ways onto someone else after fitting in bellezia's palace even if you oddly looked like a rogue?" wonwoo slid behind minghao, locking him in a chokehold using his left arm. wonwoo uses his gun to lift minghao's mullet, to reveal a deep scar lurking on his nape. "didn't they see this mark?"

"they didn't." minghao pokes wonwoo's torso using the back of his spear, slipping out of the chokehold before he hit the back of wonwoo's hand; the gun flying away from his grip. minghao pushes the gun close to himself and threw the spear away.

wonwoo spits blood on the grass, chuckling. "you could've impaled me with your spear. thanks for pardoning me, your highness," wonwoo teased, raising his hands in defeat.

"stop calling me that. you, rogue leaders, have oppressed me enough. don't be thankful as well, because i didn't pardon you." minghao picks up the gun, checking if it was loaded. "i'm just saving you for later."

without looking, the ace of the rogues pointed his gun somewhere else—a bush. a sound of a girl yelping followed. "princess jihae, i always wished for your love of shiny, expensive fucking jewelry would make you regret even loving them in the first place."

wonwoo hurried to the bush, where jihae hid. minghao was sure that jihae was recording their conversation to use it against minghao, warping it and such. he knew that the princess was vain.

"i beat you two, and my men beat your weak little army." minghao states. "you will never get past me, and you'll never know where king jeonghan is hiding."

"okay, well, we're going to juice information out of king han jisung then, since you're an impossible man." wonwoo sighed, while a car miraculously pulls up in front of the gates. as minghao widened his eyes in shock, wonwoo ran to the gates with an injured jihae on his back—and minghao chased them. but of course, no matter how minghao is great, he can't rival a car's speed.

minghao can't just stand there, flabbergasted. he has to move. what can he use? the garage is too far!

"vernon, get the fuck off my radio!"

"why?! it's a cool vibe! ju—"

minghao immediately knocks on the window of a car that recently pulled up because the two people in front were arguing. good choice, since they were gonna crash if they argue and drive.

"hello. i'm xu minghao—hong jisoo-ssi's friends! i truly am delighted to see you here, but can i ask for a favor? i need to borrow your car because there's a great emergency going on right now. i'll give it back to you in one piece."

the guy named soonyoung(minghao presumed) looked at hansol, and creaked out a shaky "okay?" before minghao opened both the doors of the passenger's seat and driver's seat then pushed the two out. "wait! hey! don't drive away yet! the—!"

minghao doesn't listen, as he zooms away to hainya after the doors were closed. minghao tried his best to locate wonwoo's car, but despite his best efforts, he was not able to. there were very many identical cars to wonwoo's and he didn't remember the plate number.

minghao guesses that he should just drive fast, then.

"who are you?"


the tires of soonyoung's car screeched, after minghao was startled and he had to stop to look at the person who spoke, lying on the backseats. relief washed over him, knowing that it wasn't a rogue or something—but he was worried, since he was bringing a commoner with him to a private monarchy matter.

"a guard? why are you driving? where are we heading?" the man at the backseat asked, rubbing his eyes groggily with his sweater paws. "i'm junhui by the way. just so you know."

minghao quickly collected his shit and drove away, realizing that he can't waste time on something like this. if he drops off junhui here, it'l only waste more time, but if he drives and explained the incident to junhui, he won't get delayed any further.

minghao doesn't care if junhui gets dragged into the fight anymore. he had realized that he is completely capable of protecting junhui.

"xu minghao. the king is endangered, rogues from grazia are targetting him. this is why we're in a hurry. i'm sorry if i can't drop you off, this is an emergency." minghao states, pressing harder on the gas in desperation.

"oh, i understand. i'll just have to stay behind you, right?" junhui clarified, and minghao hummed that could be taken as a yes.

but, inside, minghao was lost. how did this man know what exactly to do and why is he not panicking? the palace security uniform would look good on him.

"will jisoo be there?"

"highly likely."

"oh, then please, give me a gun!" junhui exclaimed, even smiling as he did so. minghao furrows his eyebrows. "i want to be jisoo's savior in case he gets in a situation."

"i only have one gun." minghao simply replied, clicking his tongue at the long line of the toll gates.

"aw. i'll play bystander a then." junhui mumbled, loud enough for minghao to hear.

and actually, that made the unemotional ace crack up. it was definitely not the best joke he's ever heard, and heck; it was out of context! but, it was a good mood-enlightener(?) and minghao somehow calmed down. not that he should be laid back, but sometimes, panic can lead to series of unlikeable mistakes.

"i'll play the king's guard," minghao paused. "and bystander a's guard as well."

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