Chapter Two

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Rose POV (Prison World) 

The white burst light subsided, and I felt nothing, like nothing changed. 

"Huh?" Damon grunted as the world came into colors. 

"Where are we?" Bonnie asks to no one in particular and starts to walk

"I have no idea..." Damon turns around and walks after Bonnie, leaving me so I walked after them. 

"Does anyone know what's going on here?" I ask the two as I catch up to them, we are in th middle of Mystic Falls. 

" Well, I feel a fang. I'm still a vampire. Either I'm a dead vampire or Mystic Falls is no longer magic free." Damon reaches up into is mouth and turns to me, "What about you Rose?" I do what he did and I felt one as well. 

"Look." I point to the Mystic Grill that was most defiantly blown up an hour before. 

"I definitely blew that up about an hour ago." Damon speaks what I was thinking, Bonnie takes a 360 and looks around before speaking up

"Why don't we see any people? If we're still on the Other Side we should at least be able to see the living. " 

"Where the hell are we? And I don't mean geographically." I could tell Damon was getting aggrivated. 

"I have no Idea." Bonnie and sigh. I just walk away, feeling very sad and angry. The other two follow me as I just wonder around.

"Rose where are you going!?!" Bonnie shouts at me. 

"I need to get out of here!" I shout back at her. 

"We all do!!" 

"Bonnie, you didn't leave two daughters behind. You didn't leave them with a psycho sister who all she want's in the world was t take them from me. and now I'm not there protect them!!" Tears flow down in rivers down my face. 

"We all left something behind Rose!! Not just you!!" Damon yells getting aggravated, Bonnie shot him a look. 

"I get it, Dams I really do, but my daughters won't remember me. They will grow up to call my sister mom." 

"Well in all honesty Rosie, they are her kids." Damon shot back. 

"You did not just go there!!" I shout, the wind starts to pick up around us. "Flamntta!" Damon goes flying back into a tree, breaking it in half. 

"At least one of you still has magic." he groans out as he picks himself upn 

"Whatever." I walk away and this time they don't follow me, at least not right away. 

"How many more streets are we going to wander?" Damon groans out in boredam as he follows me down another street. 

"Well, I didn't ask you to follow me." I snap at him. 

"There's something weird about these cars." Bonnie says out of the blue, I take a look around the cars parked in the street and I nod, agreeing with her. 

"Yeah, they're all 20 years old or more and yet they look brand new."  He runs his hand over the hood, he looks up at a house, a look washing over his face It's Elena's house, there are toys on the lawn.  "And that is Elena's not-so-burnt-to-a-crisp house." 

We walk in front of it, Damon sees a newspaper on the grass and picks it up, unfolds it and reads it.

"are solar eclipse expected to be seen across 12 states?" I read out confused. 

"The date stupid." 

" May 10th, 1994. Is that--? Are we--? But that's impossible." Bonnie stutters out. 

Suddenly the sky turns darker blue, We look up and see the eclipse blotting out the sun

"I don't think we should be asking where we are, I think we should be asking when we are."

A/N Hey guys, so I have school now so I'll try my best to upload at least once a week!!

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