IV: No one

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"Chaewon-ah?" I ignored her. There's no one following her or any teacher concerns either. If she thinks I would help her with this craziness, I wont.

"Kim Chaewon" she kept on poking my cheek as I did my best to ignore her.

"Chaewon" All this. This wasnt in my plans when I entered this school. I just want a normal and boring school life. One where I just go here to listen to the teacher then go home.

"Chaewon-ah" I faced her making her a bit shocked. "What?"

"You said you'll help me. You promised" right. I promised cause I thought that a real creepy techer was following her. She lowered her gaze and avoided my eyes.

"Yuri is mad at me because of this. Only you can help me" yeah and so is all your other friends. I didnt want to listen to her but she kept on insisting.

"Did they tell you about my condition? Is that why you dont want to help me?" They never told me anything about that nor did they want to. I dont want to help you because ...

"No one is following you" you could see the clear shock in her face. She kept on shaking her head and mumbking stuff to herself.

"You, you're lying ... no. I clearly saw him. Chaewon-ah, look at me in the eye. I'm not lying ..." I stared at her in the eye and all I could see was, she's scared. She needs someone to comfort her.

And I was the closest person to her right now. I stood from my chair and pulled her in for a hug.

"So, you'll help me?" It wasnt like I could say no.

Imagine you're a hero from an action movie but then you realize that your just a sidekick. And the hero is some crazy person that doesnt know what she's doing.

"Just follow me, he's at the garden. I saw him run there" I was with her the whole time but all I could see is bushes and the wall.

"Oh- this could be a bit risky and I dont want you getting hurt, so please stay here until I give you the signal to go back up" Why does this feel like she's going to do something weird. I nodded anyways.

Guess what? The signal was that she'll just call my name. Chaewon-ah or something like that.

I wasnt curious enough to look at the "teacher" or their fight. I'm just here to fulfill that promise that I made. I could hear stuff happening but I still ignored it.

This was my first time in the garden. The place was more peaceful than I thought. There were no students hanging out here nor were there any other people. This would be a good place for me to have alone time.

Their fight or confrontation thingy was taking longer than I thought. So I gave it a look.

Yena unnie was alone while holding a something, I dont know what. I cant see anything though. She was pushing and pulling it as if someone was with her.

Is she fighting the invisible man or something? Cause i'm not sure what's happening. "Shut up!" Then she fought as I someone was fighting with her. If this is acting, she'd be a great actress.

Her expressions are on point and the fighting scenes feel so real. But it's not real, cause no one is fighting her. Am I not seeing something? Or is she really like this?

"They" kept on fighting as Yena unnie was filled with sweat, it seems like she's giving her all for this one. Then she fell on the ground as I slowly walked up to her. I think it's time for her to stop.

"Wha-what are you doing?" Then she pushed me down to the grass. I rolled a few times and i'm pretty sure that there are bruises all over me. Great, i'm covered in grass now. She didnt want me to interfere with her fight with the air.

She wanted me to help her and this is what I get. So I just stayed like that while looking at the sky.

I could hear her saying stuff and shouting but I just let her be. I guess this is the "problem" that they talked about. But I dont know, seems like she's having fun with it.

She suddenly pulled me up and told me to run with her. We ran as if someone was chasing us. Both of us looked as if we were somehow eaten by the earth and survived.

We kept on running until we reached the gate. I was too busy catching my breath than to ask her about why we ran.

"He wont be bothering me for a while" I nodded is relief even though I know that she didnt really confront anyone.

"Oh well, see you tomorrow" she left me there before I could even say anything.

Ok. What just happened?

School. Yena unnie. The garden. Yuri. Eunbi unnie. There is no teacher nor did she fight with anyone but herself. I am covered in grass and bruises just because of this crazy thing that I dont know.

No one was even there.

My mom couldnt believe what she saw as soon as I entered the house. I sighed as we looked at each other. She suddenly giggled as she told me to sit while she'll get me something to drink.

"How was the war?" I giggled as she handed me a glass of water. "It was scary and I almost died. But it's nothing that I couldnt handle"

"Looks like you had fun at school today. So, when will I meet these people?" I shaked my head. She always wanted me to have friends to play with at school, but I didnt.

"Who knows? Maybe at my funeral?" I joked as I stood up to leave.

"Great idea. Write their names in your final will so I can invite them" we both giggled as I went to my room. Is it weird that my mom and I talk about those things so casually? It's normal.

Ahhh, this room is still filled with boxes. I was never fond of cleaning up the place nor fixing all my stuff. The boxes were just left like that never to be opened. Well, unless I really need something.

But right now, all I need is my bed, my phone, and these four walls that would silence the outside world. This is my dream life, just staying at home and not doing anything.

I stayed in my room just doing nothing for a couple of hours. I like this, just me and the bed. As I feel the bed silently swallowing me. The door suddenly bursted open revealing my mom who had this grin on her face. "It's time"

Ugh, by that she means it's time to eat. It's not that i'm not hungry. It's just, i'm not fond with the idea of sitting at the dinner table while talking about my day. Especially when I dont understand what just happened today.

My dad was already sitting at the dinner table as my mom prepared all the food. Unnie was helping her preparing while I sat next to my dad.

"Wahh, did you win the war?" Unnie said as my parents giggled. I stayed in my bed for a few hours but I didnt changed clothes nor did I look in the mirror.

"I dont know, I think we did" I have no idea what Yena unnie did. All I know is that she pushed me making me fall on the grass. Then I went sky gazing and kinda ignored the war.

"You should've changed your clothes first" I shaked my head and prepared to eat.

Each of us had a turn to talk aboutcour day, hardships today and blah blah, just anything you wanna say. Unnie had her usual day, she's been working hard lately. Mom and dad shared what they did and yeah. We do this everyday so I kinda know everything already.

"Chaewon had an exciting" Mom said making them look at me. I shaked my head and told them that I dont want to talk about it. They giggled at me but tried to understand that I didnt want to talk.

Dinner ended just like that as we went to our seperate ways. I couldnt help but think about what might happen tomorrow.

I dont even know what happened today.

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