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Yes it is true, I am in fact a Dursley. But that doesn't mean I'm as dreadful as the rest of my family. I despise my family and I'm sure they feel the same. See I live with my mother, Petunia Dursley, my father, Vernon Dursley, my brother, Dudley Dursley, my cousin, Harry Potter and my aunt (she technically doesn't live with us, but she visits so often she basically has her own room), Marge Dursley. And I can only stand one. Welcome to my life, I think the perfect title for it would be.......... My life: A Living Hell. Well anyway, I think I should tell you why I don't like my family.

My mother never wanted anything to do with me just because of two really idiotic reasons. 1. You see mine and Harry's birthday are only a day apart and the same year. 2. I look like my aunt Lily (red hair, light green eyes and freckles) and everybody in the Dursley family knows that mother has some hatred towards her sister. Every time aunt Lily became the topic of a conversation my mother would get extremely upset, so, naturally, we don't talk about her to much. But she died in a car crash when I was 1 (that's when Harry came to live with us), so I wouldn't remember it even if we ever had met. But knowing the relationship between my mother and aunt Lily, I don't think I would have met her anyways. Grandma Evans always told me and Harry about her, that she was a kind, lovely, radiant person, but the reason my mother didn't like her is because she found out that aunt Lily was different than the rest of the family. I once asked her what the difference was between them, but my mother shut that down before grandma could say what it was. It's such a shame though, I'm sure we would have gotten along beautifully. But I'm just guessing that my mother has a grudge against anyone who looks like aunt Lily or thinks that she was a good person.

I'm not exactly sure how I ended up looking just like her, but I've always just chalked it up to the Evan's family genes. But it always makes me extremely confused each and every time I think about it, let me tell you why. You see my father told me that when I was 3 years old my grandma showed me and Harry a picture of aunt Lily, my father said that I was bewitched by her beauty. He then said that the next morning when I woke up my features changed. My hair went from a dark brown to a fiery red, my eyes went from steel grey to emerald green and my once clear face had turned into a face full of freckles. I walked to in the kitchen without knowing that my appearance had changed, which resulted with my mother almost passing out when she saw me. I wondered what she was freaking out about so I ran to a mirror and saw my face. Believe it or not but I liked it, I still do.

Then there's my father, when I was little my father was my idol. I always thought he was such a nice man who loved both of his children the same and would never hurt a fly. Yeah well turns out I was wrong, big time. When I first noticed he wasn't who I thought he was, was when I was around 5 and I saw how wrong he treated Harry, so being the person I am I told him to leave Harry alone. Turns out he didn't like that to much and started spending all his time with my pathetic excuse of a brother.

And as for Dudley, he decided that he would try and beat me up when I was 7. Sure he got a few punches in, but I made sure to hurt him as much as I could in our little fight. So long story short has was missing a tooth, had a broken nose and loads of scratch marks on his face and arms, whilst I only had a black eye and a couple of big bruises. When mother saw what I did to her "little Duddlekins" she threatened to put me in a military school.

And of course we can't forget about dear aunt Marge, well she likes me, but I can't stand her. Every time she visits she puts Harry through hell. Its awful! It's always Harry do this, Harry  do that. It's amazing that she can't find one nice thing to say about him when she done with her nagging. I really think I should buy her a muzzle for Christmas as way to tell her to shut her trap every once in a while.

And finally as for my cousin, Harry Potter, he's actually my best friend, since I'm the only one who isn't a complete jerk towards him. I feel like we just kinda get each other your know. Like whenever my family says he can't have dinner, I save him some and give him it. And every birthday and Christmas I make sure to get him a present and cupcake. So you know I try to be as nice as possible.

"(Y/N) DINNER!" My mother calls pulling me out of my thoughts. Oh well guess I should go see what kinda slop she's serving up this time.

Hey! Sammi here I hope you enjoyed this garbage of a story and the meme. Just realized that's all I had to say 😅. So bye and I'll see you next time my little wizards and witches ✌️

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