Chapter 2

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Petunia's POV. (Ha wasn't expecting that were ya?)

I locked (Y/N)'s door and went back down stairs. I kept a calm look on my face, even though on the inside I was freaking out, as I entered the kitchen. Dudley and Harry looking at me with questioning looks. "Dudley, Harry go to your rooms." I said very seriously. Harry left without question, but Dudley decided to stay. "But mum its only 6:00 I want to-""Dudley go up stairs now!" I interrupted him, letting my calm facade wash away and showed Dudley how scared I really was. He looked taken back for a moment and then, reluctantly, left without a word. 

I turned to Vernon, who looked as upset as me. "We knew she was going to be one of them and do strange things, but I didn't expect all this!" I said, looking around at all the damage (Y/N) had caused. "I mean she is his daughter, but do you think she going to be the same as him?" Vernon asked, looking scared, as if he was imagining (Y/N) to be the same as her real father when she grows up. "I certainly hope not. We can never tell her Vernon, that's not our place and you know that." I told Vernon with a stern voice. He looked at me as if contemplating on what say to me to calm me down. "Come on dear we should get to bed and clear our minds. Don't worry about this mess, I'll wake (Y/N) up early tomorrow to clean it up." He spoke calmly and slowly. Then he got up and walked both of us to our bedroom. I went straight to my side of the bed and laid down, ready for today to be over already. And with that I drifted off to sleep.

     ~~~~~~~~~Timeskip to the next morning brought to you by Chocolate Frogs~~~~~~~~~ 

(Y/N)'s POV. 

I woke up by being shaken awake by my father. I stand up, stretch and looked at the time: 5:00 AM. As I began to remember what happened last night, I back away from him, afraid I was going to hurt him in some way. "Well come on, you got to clean up the mess you made. After it is all cleaned, then you could go back to bed if you want to." He said calmly as if he knew how unnerved I was right now, though he didn't hold much eye contact with me. I slowly nodded as he left my bedroom to go back to bed. 

As I walked down the stairs I could see broken glass every where. I decided it would be best if I put on so shoes, since I had stepped on a big piece of glass before. That, of course, ended up with me having to go to the hospital to get the glass stuck in my foot removed. So long story short, I've been there and done that, so I know to wear shoes when glass is on the floor. I went to go put on my sneakers and start to clean up. I thought I would first clean up the hall and work my way up to the kitchen. I started picking up the big pieces of glass first, careful not to cut up my hands. 

After all the big pieces were dealt with, I decided to get the vacuum for all the little pieces. While I was vacuuming the hall, I started humming a tune and started dancing a little to the beat of the song in my head. As I was dancing, I let all my worries wash away and told myself it was a new day. Whatever happened yesterday happened, it was in the past. And just like that my mood changed from scared and paranoid to cheerful and happy. After I done with the hallway, I moved to the kitchen. 

I started with throwing away the bent out of shape silverware. As I picked them all up, I couldn't help but feel a little frightened that I did this to them. Then I started to pick up the broken plates and cups. I was picking up the last shard of glass, when someone walked into the kitchen. I jumped when they walked in and accidentally cut my hand. "Ow!" I yelped, looking down at the cut on my hand. I went to the the sink to wash off the blood and clean the wound. I looked at the clock and- bloody hell it's 8:00. How did I lose track of the time? My mother came up beside me. "Hey mum!" I greeted cheerfully. She looked taken back by my mood. "Listen (Y/N) what happened last night, I looked on the news and they said it was a um... earthquake, so that's why everything happened the way it did, okay?" She looked at me expectantly. She seemed very unsure of her statement, but I decided to play along for her sake. "Okay." I said looking back at the cut on my hand. She looked a bit taken back by my answer, like she was expecting questions about what happened. "And thank you for cleaning up the mess, dear." She said as she started working on making breakfast. 

I decided to go to my room so I could think. Once in my room, I began to wonder why she would down play what happened as just a earthquake. Maybe she just didn't want to talk about it? Maybe she didn't want me to know what actually happened? Why she wouldn't tell me was a mystery to me. It thought about for a good thirty minutes. "(Y/N), Dudley breakfast!" My mother yelled. Well I already knew today would be awful because Dudley's birthday. I already knew what was going to happen: he acts like a brat, he gets whatever he wants, he complains, he yells and mother and father for "failing" him, mother and father always trying to make it perfect. Basically it's a nightmare for me and Harry. 'But hey, might as well get it over with', I thought as I walked down the stairs.

HEYOOOO! Its your girl Sammi here! Sorry if this chapter is boring it's basically just loads of exposition and filler to get to the next part of the story. Also just wanted to say I want make a promise to give a meme each chapter! Anyway that's really all I had ta say. So goodbye for now my little wizards and witches ✌️

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