Chapter 1

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(Just as a reminder Italics are thoughts. Sorry, I'll let you enjoy the story)

       As I was walking down the stairs, I felt some one push me down. I fell all the way down the stairs and landed on my ass, as I tried to stand up, I heard Dudley laughing. Then he ran down the stairs, pushed me back on the ground and went to go to dinner. I went to get up again and felt a sharp pain in my ankle. 'Must have gotten sprained' I thought.

        Now I know what your thinking, "Why didn't you just back hand him?", excellent question. So when Dudley and I had our last fight, which resulted with Dudley's "tiny" injuries, mother got all prissy about it and said that if I ever laid a finger on Dudley again then I was off to military school, which gave Dudley a really unfair advantage. I kept my ground though and kept telling her that Dudley had started the fight, but no, apparently I'm a "hellion who could learn some respect". So after that I basically became Dudley's own personal punching bag. But I did learn two useful things that night. 1. You could send a 7 year old to a military school and 2. I, in fact, have a lot of self control because if I didn't she would have probability gotten slapped that night. But hey that was 3 years ago, got to learn to let things go sometimes.

        As I limped into the kitchen, I could smell the food my mother, oh who are we kidding it was Harry that was made to cook, had prepared. It smelled awful, but I was so hungry I didn't care how it smelled or even tasted at this point. "What happened to you?" my mother asked, knowing all too well she didn't care, that she was just trying to convince herself that she was a good mother. And as for father, he didn't notice I was there as usual. "That tub of lard you call a son pushed me down the stairs." I said a bit snappy, trying not to lose my cool. I could see Harry try to hold in his laugh from my comment, but he quickly stifled it when my mother gave him a death glare. I went to go get myself a ice pack from the freezer, but my mother was blocking my path. She grabbed my hand and slapped it as some form of punishment for calling her precious son such a name. "You will not talk about Dudley like that!" she yelled, I snatched my hand away from her and gave her the coldest glare I could muster, it was icy she couldn't help but look away. But glaring people down has always been a talent if mine, so I won most arguments. Then I walked towards the freezer, got the ice pack, went back to the table and placed the ice pack on my foot. I, of course, went to go sit next Harry since he was the only one here that didn't suck.

     "Hey Hare, what's up?" I asked, he looked as if he had a lot on his mind. "I wonder how bad Dudley's birthday is going to be for us." it was true Harry and I were always treated like the scum of the Earth when it was Dudley's birthday and it always got on my nerves. "I have a feeling its not going to be too bad tomorrow." I said with with a smile, which Harry returned.

     "Harry Potter, you burnt the food, you miserable little twerp!" my mother screeched, her face red with anger. Harry looked down at the floor, an unreadable expression on his face. I felt bad for him, he really didn't deserve all the crap my family gives him. My mother grabbed Harry's hand and stormed off to his tiny room under the stairs. Before she could reach the door, I grab Harry's other hand and kept them from moving with strength I didn't know I had. I didn't know what it was, but something was telling me to do something about the injustice that was happening instead of just sitting there waiting for a miracle to happen. "Leave him alone. He's not going in there." I spoke calmly and quietly, but enough for my family to hear. I stared at the floor, a dark look on my face. "What gives you the right to talk to me that way?! I am your mother!" My mother yelled, a look of bewilderment written across her features. "I said he's not going." I said a little bit louder, still staring at the floor. I tugged on Harry a little more, trying to pull him away from my horrid mother. My father, finally pulling his attention from the newspaper, stood up and tried pulling me away from Harry, but I held on like my life depended on it. "(Y/N) what has gotten into you?! Let go!" My father yelled at me, still trying to get me to move, but I wasn't budging. Dudley, sitting in the corner, was just watching the scene unfold with a scared look on his face, like the coward he is. My father on the other hand was still trying to move me, but to no avail. He was getting madder and madder with each second of me not doing what I was told. While Harry had a confused mixed with proud expression on his face. Then my mother and father tried to separate mine and Harry's hands. And all of a sudden I felt something snap. "I SAID HE'S NOT GOING!" I screamed. All the picture frames glass broke, while everything from the kitchen table suddenly flew off of it smashed against the wall. All of the plates and glass cups were broken and every piece of silverware was bent out of shape. My mother looked at me with a look of pure terror as she let go of Harry's hand. Then she went to grab mine and pulled me to my room, I was so in shock I didn't realize what was happening. Everybody either had a shocked look on their face or a terrified one. On the way to my room my mother muttered something along the lines of, "I knew she was going to start to act like her real father one way or another.....". But I was too freaked out to care. When we reached my room my mother put me in my room and said, "Don't come out until I or your father tell you to.". Then she left and locked the door from the outside. I immediately start to crumble on to the floor, crying. I was afraid of myself, I didn't know how I did that, but it scared me. But after all the stuff that happened today, there was only one question that occupied my mind right now.

What am I?

Hiya! Sammi here! I really hope you enjoyed this abomination of a chapter! Now you might thinking "This is a Ron fanfic and we haven't seen anything about Ron.". Well don't you worry your little butts, I'm trying to thicken the plot kinda make it more interesting than it actually is. Anyway I should stop my rambling. Goodbye and until next time my little wizards and witches ✌️

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