Chapter 3

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I walked down stairs slowly, trying to get myself mentally ready for today. I was half way down the stairs when Dudley bumped his shoulder with mine as he ran past me. Then, just as fast as when he went down, ran halfway back up the stairs, right where Harry's room was, and jumped as hard as he could as some sort of alarm for Harry. "Wake up cousin! We're going to the zoo!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. By the time he was done with his charade I was all the way down the stairs. I saw Harry emerge from his little room, when Dudley sped past me, pushed Harry back in his room, kicked his door shut and ran into the kitchen.

 I sighed and walked to Harry's room. I opened the door and held my hand out for him to take to help him stand back up, which he gladly took. "You alright?" I asked with a concerned look on my face as he stood. "A minor headache, but other than that I'm fine." He said. "Okay, well come on, I'm starving!" I said, my stomach rumbling for food. He looked at me with a smile, then we went to the kitchen. Mother was trying to finish up with breakfast, father was reading the newspaper and Dudley ran off again out of the kitchen for some reason. 

"Harry get over here and try not to burn anything." My mother said with putting extra emphasis on the "try" part, then she looked at me as if she was scared of what I was going to say, since last nights events. But I just shrugged and went to help Harry, much to my mothers relief. "Yes aunt Petunia." "Yes mum." Harry and I both say in unison, both using monotone voices with numb looks on our faces. "(Y/N) I never said you had to-" "And leave Harry to do it all alone?" I ask with a angry tone, turning back to face her. She shook her head very fast, like she didn't want to make me angry. I went to attend to food, while Harry went to accompany the drinks. I can't help but feel angry and protective over Harry all the time, to be honest, its scaring me. All I want to do is hurt everyone and I kind of want to act on it. It feels as if I'm drifting to the dark side.

Then Dudley walked back into the kitchen. "Now I want everything to be perfect for my little Dudleykins's birthday!" My mother said, recovering quickly for her scared state, while putting her hands in front of Dudley's eyes. That's when I noticed all the presents on the table. They took up a whole side of the table, it must have cost $500 for all those presents! The most they ever spend on me is $30, but hey I'm not the favorite so I'm used to it by now. "Hurry up, get my coffee boy!" My father yelled at Harry, which made my blood boil.

What's wrong with me?, I thought. What's wrong with you, no, what's wrong with them?!, a voice in my head shouted. I shook my head vigorously, blinking extremely fast and shaking. "Who are you?" I whispered, horrified that I was hearing voices. Do it, you know you want to, hurt them till their begging for death!, The voice kept talking to me, it sounded like a male, his voice very raspy. "No!" I shouted, my hand tightened on the spatula I was cooking with, my other hand balled up tightly in a fist. I was so caught up with the voice in my head that I hadn't notice all the strange looks I was getting from my family. You have immense power and you know it, now use it!, The voice screamed in my head. What was it talking about? I don't have power, unless he was talking about the glass shattering outburst I had. I started shaking even more now, if that was even possible, tears running down my face. My head started pounding from the voice screaming violent actions in my subconscious.

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, my head snapped at my mother. I could feel myself fill up with rage as I took her hand and squeezed it hard. I couldn't help my actions, I didn't know what I was doing, it was like I had became a puppet and doing the the puppet master's bidding. I kept squeezing her hand as hard as I could as Harry got behind me and tried to pry me away from her. "(Y/N) quit it your hurting me!" My mother screamed in pain. Then the voice stopped, my head stopped throbbing and I had control over myself again. I quickly let my mothers hand go, she looked at me like I was the most terrifying creature on the planet, tears in her eyes like she thought I was crazy. I turned away from her and turned to Harry, who let me go. He looked equally as scarred as the rest of the family. I quickly looked around the room, I saw terror on all their faces, but I also saw something that scared me a lot, disgust.

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